Wave of false bans for cheating?

There is no such thing as an “unhonest” ban. They can ban you for no reason if they want.

You agreed to the EULA.

Come on people. Just read before you play.

Yeah, you should know, being banned with your Nightwing account. :frowning:

Not my account. Nice troll and harassment dude.

I’ve only got 2 accounts. And you still think I smurf.

Then again. Moira takes more aim than Genji right?

Ok whatever you say!

Pro level comeback there. If you are going to make an accusation, at least come with something more substantial than a feeling.

if both of u got banned ,you both did something that was against tos .it is simple as that .


Lol. My steam account created 15ish years ago named because Im a batman comics reader.

Still, never had an OW account using that name.

Why do you think I find your lie so funny.

But it’s fine, you can believe someone who thinks the game rigs hit boxes to make you lose… Lol

You got busted and still denying it. Oh the amount of times you’ve lied over time, so so many. At least now we know for sure, it’s sad dude.


Not sure about busted champ.

I could of told you all that lol. Still only ever had this and Roku as my account. Hulks just upset about something else and passive aggressively trying to get one over.

But you believe what you want. I prefer the truth, you prefer the ramblings of a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Oh I shall, I’d rather believe a “Conspiracy theorist” than a compulsive liar. He’s actually telling the truth though. :man_shrugging:

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He isn’t. He just has his agenda.

Yeah it’s weird. He also lied to me that he wasn’t “BattleCattle”. Not sure what he’s trying to hide.

He’s bitter because I didn’t spend time reviewing his Gold Reinhardt gameplay. Also came onto our discord to try to harass me and others. Then when he got a taste of his own medicine he started crying.

It’s actually sad yet hilarious.


Lol. I’ve never harassed you. Just called you the C word. I’ve always just been upfront with what I thought of you.

As for your coaching. I posted it for a laugh and got exactly what I expected back.

How though, I mean didn’t he even admit he changed name? :joy: Just gets funnier and funnier.

This explains an awful lot about you as a person, which you have denied throughout. Who in their right mind would believe a word you say now? You’ve dug yourself a deep hole.


Intentionally engaging with people to insult them is harassment sunshine, but then you were exposed for being a perpetual liar, so nothing really new.


He’s dug himself a deep hole he’ll be unable to get out of. I was right all along about him yet had people jump down my neck. (Probably alts)

Glad to see he’s finally been exposed.


“exposed” lol.
Sure thing champ. You believe what you need to to get on with your life.

Well Nightwing, you even admitted to such toxicity.

Case closed. :man_shrugging:


Still, not Nightwing. And yes I call him that.

End of.

Well, that’s what happens when someone lies about everything just to be on top.
Even worse, when you are lying in multiple places, and your lies can be crosschecked.
Eventually lies catch up with you, the dumpster overflows, and all your :poop: is on the display for everyone to see.
Probably his worst mistake was to delete those homosexual insults from his post, and then lie about it even tho mod’s can still restore the post, lol :rofl:

He’s our personal Amber Herd :laughing: