Wave of false bans for cheating?

Aaaahhhhhh busted so hard :laughing: It’s kinda hilarious that you’re still trying to deny it but sorry, there’s no out from this. Like everyone already knew it was you months ago. You post the same way and you always respond with minutes like the Nightwing account. Than you have a Steam account called Nightwing, what a bloody coincidence :laughing: Also, Ball themed icons and this account just so happens to emerge when the Nightwing account was suddenly gone.

You sometimes have a particular forum presence but i don’t hard dislike you or anything. Thing is, why can’t you just say, hey ok you got me. This is just pathetic to be honest.


Like I’ve been saying all this time haha. I knew it a day after “Nightwing” mysteriously vanished and BattleCattle (Rod/Nightwing) appears straight away. There is so much proof yet he’s still denying it, it’s hilarious and ridiculous at the same time.
He was busted about editing his old post (Which was very offensive), yet I have video proof and another person on the forums does, and even posted screenshots, and I even got a notification of him doing it, but ofcourse Nightwing denies.

I can’t see why he can’t just admit it.


Cause here is his shelter from reality but seems he ran away :joy:


Whoa there! That’s unfair to Amber. :heart_eyes: :sweat_smile:


Great news, keep on reporting, trashtalk, smurfs, cheats, derankers.

Let’s get these people out of the game. Think I usually report 5-10 people a night.

Last one was for saying “you Fing N word” on voice.

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You don’t get banned for “hacking” unless you are cheating sorry.

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You do understand by calling someone “Sunshine” like this you are actually asking to be insulted.

Passive Aggressive behavior is also pretty pathetic. You may want to grow a spine princess.