What is blizzard's position on Tea Bagging?

And this wasn’t toxic? He tried to be reasonable and ask you an explain something a child could have extrapolated from the question and you said “I know where you stand. Not gonna waste my time arguing” in other words I only want others who agree with me in here and don’t have valid counter points…good to know where you’re hypocrite self stands - also full toxicity intended just cause winky face

Oh and yes hypocrite is an accurate term here because and I quote

Literally acknowledges it, acknowledges it again, and then denies it

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Oh c’mon, tbagging exists in every single FPS. If it pains you, disable the “death camera locks onto killer” option.

This a video game. People play the game to have fun and get rid of stress. You think it’s very respectful to hit someone over and over again with a huge hammer?

If you are being tea bagged often, it means you’re doing something good, something so annoying for the enemy player that they went out of their way to spam crouch.

It has been in games as long as I can remember, it’s a form of gamer taunting, emotes, voicelines and sprays can be used in the same manner.

As long as it stays at just baggin and doesn’t turn into a flame war, I’m fine with it, plus it can be fun engaging into baggin wars.

just keep all cool head, if you would get banned for excessively spamming crouch widow players would get banned left right and centre, it cant be done, i know its annoying but just deal with it

Are you that much of a snowflake you cry over something as pathetic as “Tea-bagging”. Grow a pair (Pun not intended)