Whats your personal favorite support and why?

I want to see peoples favorite support to fight aganist or play as/with and explain why, since I want to see some opinions on support charaters since I have not been able to find anything like that on the forums all in one place.


brigitte, cute hot and actually fun and a true teamplayer if you play her right.

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I play mercy because i like to take a challenge and chance to resurrect my team mates and spam voiceline "someone call the wambulance "

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yeah, I can see why. the entertainment of having a unqie challenge is always somthin to come back for.

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I tend to default to playing mercy because the movement suits me the best. It’s a joy and a pleasure to play around.
My second favourite is moira, for the movement again and the amount of heals i can dish out during team fights.
Occationally zenyatta when i feel like the dps aren’t doing enough.

Playing against though… everyone else is fine but a really good lucio. He’s just in and out before you notice and ends up with more kills than the enemy widow. A really good slippery frog boy is such a pain.



Decent damage to support your mates and his amount of heal is pretty good imo

Thank you Baptiste ! Oh you’re welcome !

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I’m a newbie,never play OV1.I’ve tried severals healers but isnt so good.I can handle mercy,shes a health flood & she can score kills too.Need to train hard for her super jump.Shes my favourite now.lucio can be very very difficult to takedown but difficult to handle & lastly zenyatta & moira.I think they’re op.

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Mercy main here… Got 822 hours on her :stuck_out_tongue:

Mercy is great for rather “chill” gameplay while still being able to have an impact to the game. Many people think playing mercy is easy, and she is… But to play her really good is not that easy. Her biggest strongpoint imo is her ability to consistently prioritise her healing. As in, based on your judgement you can evaluate which person is more important for the fight to get healed. It doesn’t matter if there is a shield in the way or not… You can always directly heal that person. I have gotten to the point where I am good at determining that or if I see someone is getting out of position, I can heal them knowing very well they will get a ton of damage. Positioning is key for Mercy, the longer you stay alive, the more healing you do.

Most people don’t realize this but, eventhough her burst healing might not be the best, her overal healing (due to her survivability) is one of the highest amongst the support hero’s. For instance I have avg healing per 10 minutes (this season) of 10.700.

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I just love her toolkit, how strong DPSwise and her survivability, she can escape so much.

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I’ve always liked her, but I originally picked her up with the intent to later transition to Widow, because sniper are cool. She’s a character that rewards practice and gamesense.

Her kit doesn’t simply carry her. All parts of her kit requires aim, even her heals. Hipfire is a projectile, scope is hitscan, grenade arches, and dart has cast time. There’s always room for a person to improve.

Ana’s kit allows for more expression in gamesense. With her grande for example, she can either deny enemy heals with it, multiply the heals of her own allies, or splash it on herself. The player has to make the appropriate choice for it. She’s the least immobile support, which means good positioning is crucial, but under competent hands, she can hold her own against any squishy.

She’s a main healer too, which means she’s good for solo heals. To add, because she is an aim-intensitive healer, I can gen by one-trick her if I want even if the team/enemy comp is against my favor. Zen’s my next favorite healer, and he’s awesome as well, but his heals aren’t cutting it.

Ana’s just fun.

Yeah moira is doing good alot these days .

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She’s very fun to play as well.

Kiriko, i like her unpredictable mobility, easy avoid some ults, her voicelines are fun, good appearance. Mercy is the second but she has serious flaws in gameplay and always the main target for everyone especially damn Moira

Hey yaeh,i’ve just tried kiriko.She’s super easy to play.i kinda likes her mobilities,yeah shes kinda really good for starters.Mercy is kinda tough ":smiley: lol

She isn’t.

But she is a self sustaining support that require low level of mechanics.

She’s good to play when you’re chilling as it’s low stress.

If you’re trying, other supports will out performer her in every category.

Sadly though Kiriko is too strong atm, being able to just walk though games with that kit just isn’t fun.

I like zooming around maps as Lucio, but I’m not sure there is a true “fun” support atm. Ana is probably the closest.

My favorite support was Mercy. I found her kit to be both relaxing to play, but also very effective if done right. Smart evasive play, correct switching between power boost and healing. But then Blizzard went and ruined her super jump so her level changes and elevational play is now ruined and she’s just a heal bot again. Probably explained why I’m not playing her as much.

Favorite healer now is Moira.

Lucio cuz spotify premium.

nah but now srsly Lucio is the only reason i still play overwatch, he just has the best character design in video games imo.

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Kiriko, her kit does actually give her a low skill floor if you just want to bot heal and spam Kunai into choke points (if you get killed by one of them you probably shouldn’t have been standing there for multiple hits or on low hp anyway, any number of characters could have tapped you including other supports like zen) but she also has a high ceiling if you can land those headshots in the more difficult situations etc…

Is her kit too strong overall ? Maybe… but you could argue many characters in the game are OP in their own way.

Should she be nerfed into the ground, lose the ability to kill people and become another babysitter like mercy? definitely not she’s a f ninja. If I had to nerf anything on her then it would be her ult, it is pretty powerful and leads to a team wipe more often than not.
That being said… most of the reason for the teams getting wiped during Kirikos ult is because they chose to fight inside the buff zone instead of just backing out to where the buff has no effect and holding ground there until it expires, skill issue.

I actually find it easier to play mercy now. I never knew how to glitch the super jump in ow1 so the new system opens so many new doors. You can actually just hover over battles now and hop to many high grounds that used to be impossible to get to for the avarage player. I’ve kept a few high grounds clear of enemies single handedly with her on ilios and eichenvalde. I no longer need to yell them out and hope someone kills them while dodging.

I dont know about others but super jump has more usefullness to it now .if you know when to use and when you only need to rebound backwards