Why are people in this game so bad?

Im baffled at how bad people are at playing any hero, any game mode, any role.
Now I understand why everybody is a whiner on the forums, no wonder you cry about everything when you die and lose.
Tanks are bad, dps are bad, supports, jesus they’re so bad.
It’s depressing being a good/decent player on this game, it really is.
All of those heroes you want nerfed aren’t OP, you are just REALLY ducking bad at this game.
You suck vitamin D.


Let me guess, its always everyone else’s fault and your team mates are always the reason why you lose games, right?
Google Dunning Kruger effect and get a grip pal, fast. Otherwise you will be uninstalling this game in T minus 10, 9 , 8 …


But, but, but, the enemy team always has the good players in the ELO.


Good news, you’re matched with players of equal or similar skill to yours, so everything you say about your team mates, you’re basically saying about yourself.


if only this were the truth… cough smurfs cough boosters cough sh*tty matchmaker/ranking system cough


I believe you. It has to be really disturbing for you to see other players swap heroes and not play doomfist all day long.


Yes, I am better than the average person, It also seems you’re a little too thick to understand that, but that’s fine, that’s Overwatch’s community.
I play DPS, so I can pull out some 1v2s and with luck an an ultimate + weakened enemy, a 1v3, rarely.
You don’t need to be able to do this, but I was watching a video yesterday about people leaving certain games because of how “Simple” they were.
Overwatch is S-I-M-P-L-E.
There is no laning phase, there are no objectives that aren’t straightforward.
You know what counts in order to win in Overwatch? Aim, common sense.

This is a post from the US forums.
I made my topic atfer being criticized in game for not killing a pharah.
Im a one trick and I don’t switch, and no, saying im a one trick does NOT invalidate anything I say and I can counter any silly arguments against one tricks and their “Inviability”.
The enemy had a Pharah, and I don’t switch off of Doomfist.
Yes, she is a problem.
We had a Zenyatta and a Moira.
If you can’t AIM on Zenyatta, you shouldn’t play him.
I have around 5k difference in kills and obviously a positive winrate.
I killed Pharah ONLY ONCE.
But you know why I only killed her once? Because in the rest of the game I kept killing EVERYONE ELSE on the enemy team.
We were also in Hollywood.
People would come through that mini room and get one shotted or combo’ed by me as soon as they’d come back.
We did it from start to finish always in that area.
And the team blamed it on me.
No, if was killing 5 of the 6 people, you can’t blame me, it means you’re an idiot and a bad player, PERIOD.
How does a zenyatta NOT kill a Pharah with discord?
She can be two shot.
If you don’t like playing a role or hero, DON’T do it.
You’re only hurting the whole match.
The reason why DPS is so popular is exactly because DPS can do what people want to do.
They KILL.
You can’t only kill as tank.
You can’t only kill as support.
Get good.

Usually, the one thing which keeps people from climbing, is their own ego. Once you stop patting yourself on the back for every game because you have gold kills, and start analyzing your own gameplay to see where it goes wrong and where you can improve, you will start climbing. As mentioned above, you’re basically as good as the rank you are currently in, and to start climbing you simply have to improve yourself instead of blaming your team all the time. And the first step towards improvement is acknowledging you are not as good as you think you are.

Your post above is quite typical for player who might be very decent mechanically, but has no clue how to play in a team. Your refusal to switch when needed is very telling. A Zenyatta sure could two-shot a Pharah, but not if he is constantly being harassed by the enemy and the team fails to protect him, it’s as simple as that.


Congratulations on exposing yourself as a Dunning Kruger effect example. 100% accuracy, no need to explain. Literally everything you said is either false or flawed.

Also if you are going to “brag” about skill level, open your profile before throwing big words out there mate, otherwise it gets embarrassing. And yes, you should definitely learn and then you will …

Because currently you cant even understand the game and currently assess your level of performance :rofl:


May I ask you what your rank is?

You never know who is on the other side. Maybe he or she has a bad internet connection, bad hardware, out of meds, or is drunk, or is on drugs, or maybe is having a bad day.
Also, you never know with what intensions the other gamer is playing the game.
Maybe to have fun, maybe to improve, maybe to express some emotional stuff.
There can be a ton of reasons why other people suck according to you, the thing is, you don’t know who is playing on the other side and what is going on, on the other side.
And also maybe he or she borrowed his or here account to his or here little brother or sister. Or maybe the account is bought, or maybe matchmaking realy sucks sometimes, you just don’t know wtf is going on sometimes.
Or maybe you think you are good but you aren’t.


The sad irony of this game is that the better you are at the game the more obvious the mistakes of the players in your team. The better you are the worse players you get given to carry.
And finally, a lot of players have no idea how the hero synergies and counters work they just want to go pewpewpew (Read as: cant hit a barn door and feed).


My stats are mine and my own.
They are made in a competitive environment which is SUPPOSED to dictate the skill of players.
I have a whopping 56% winrate with my one trick.
I keep pulling 1v3s.
So no, I am not “flawed” or being rude, I am stating the truth.
It seems you cannot handle seeing someone go past your mediocrity, but it can happen.

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Nobody is trying to take your stats from you dude, but coming here to brag about them without replay codes or with a private profile is basically throwing words to the air. Words are cheap.
Truth is you havent demostrated anything but what I already stated and after destroying every “argument” you posted, now you have nothing but insults.

Sorry that you got triggered by reality (and probably suspended, lol @ responding 1 month later) but when you cant assess your own level of performance …


Unless you provide proof of anything you said, you are 100% done.

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quit bragging about your skill and stop saying we are inferior to you. sorry but how do you know none of us is actually Top 500 or GM while you could be plat when you have a private profile. please dont post anything if all you do is brag

sadly this game is full of arrogant kids like this.

The game would be so much better if we actually helped each other improve. Then the quality of games would increase.

Not rage at people for not doing quite what you want them to do.


Somebody wants attention

Does that mean that you’re bad also?

I thought you are talking for people being bad as nature. Well, boring I will tell you I hate people (personality) like Mercy and Rein. But thats another topic.

idk my teamates r so bad they get 1 ult in a game and they dont even use it or use it in bad timing i can kill 3 die and then my team just lose thats not possible to win i have everytime all gold and i ask my team to do something and they call me bad, the people r the problem in ow how is that possible to be that bad