Why are people in this game so bad?

In every game?

To me that would imply that maybe you are the issue? Seeing as you are the only one in all of your games.

If you are doing your job and carrying/clutching fights, and statistically out performing others in your rank (not this medals nonsense, they are irrelevant), then you will win more than you lose and gain more SR from wins than you lose from defeats.

The only reason anyone is stuck at the SR they are at, is because they are not improving as players.

I am where I am because that is my level. I need to work on many many things if I want to climb more.

Dude if you still here and still playing game.
You are DOOMFIST ONE TRICK, thats all. Please quit the game, comunity will say you tnx :slight_smile:

Do you really believe this fairy tale?

Theyā€™re not wrong though.

Unless you think youā€™re better than everyone else at the same rank as you?

The usual problem is the DPS. If they are bad the game goes down.

Hmmm. Odd, considering DPS is probably the least impactful of all the roles. I find it is usually the tank battle that dictates the winners.

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The real question is how com yu so gud?

He learnt that you need to ā€œgit gudā€

I donā€™t know. You should probably get better at the game.

Zen really isnt that fantastic against pharah, and one tricking is toxic outside of quickplay.

One tricking isnā€™t toxic.

It just annoys the people who have a picture perfect version of how the game should be played in their head.

To them I say, start a group, get 5 others that want to play to your vision. LFG is there for you.

If you play solo, or duo, then you will get one tricks occasionally. Or more likely just people who are more comfortable on a small selection of heroes.

If you are happy playing a large pool. Maybe you be the one to enable them, rather than cry at them.

Basically if you play solo, you wonā€™t go far. You need to play with a group that are willing to cooperate.

All Iā€™ve ever done is play solo. Sometimes I get sucked in to groups, and it might go well for a while, but eventually my soloness takes over and I just go back to queuing by myself. It is very restrictive. I used to think I would love to have a team, a good Rein (Iā€™m a Zar main), 2 sick DPS players and two reliable healers. I tell myself if I had such a team all with mics, good comms, we could all easily climb to diamond no problem. but alas, the life of a solo player is turbulent. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Iā€™ve learned to just go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

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Hey fret if you ever need a healer hit me up!

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Problem with that is, rein sucks atm lol.

Nah Iā€™m all seriousness, having a stack like that is probably ideal. But you all need to put the grind in, all learn to ā€œgit gudā€ together.

Once youā€™re in a stack like that you are better off following the meta and getting to playing that. And being able to change when it changes.

The best teams are the ones that can adapt to any situation.

He does not lol, I main him.

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So do I.

Whilst you can do work with him, it requires your enemy to play badly and not have a clue.

The moment they play Orissa Sigā€¦ You are done on Rein.

Or even the weird Sig Hog, or Hog Zarya. Rein is pretty pointless against that as they can all just keep him at arms length so all he is do is stand about till his shield diesā€¦ After that it is just hide and wait or die.

It does all depend what rank you play inā€¦ Bronze/Silver, people are not going to think fast enough to roll over you. Head towards Diamond and people start to exploit your pick and mistakes.

I do! How do I add you? I searched for Twinkletoes on my battle.net launcher and it didnā€™t find you :man_shrugging:

Hmm weird, think it might be my settings that are set to ā€grumpy old man donā€™t disturbā€ :joy::joy::joy: iā€™ll fix it

I added you instead :wink:

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