Why are people in this game so bad?

This is what we want to see. Friends made!

Hopefully you 2 have some great games out there!

We should all be helping each other either improve or find fun in this game.

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Nice hopefully we can get some games in!

I agree, the more positivity in the community the better.

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all i ever see in this game are smurfs after smurfs after smurfs

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Where is the doubt button?

I know their are plenty of people out there who are bad at the game and who use other peoples bad play as an excuse why they arenā€™t progressingā€¦

BUT it straight up irritates me when people are not even willing to accept the possibility that the is a deep lack of understanding skill in all roles and in most of the community.

Iā€™m definitely not saying I belong in masters or anything but I do try to improve but I can definitely say the skill level in this game (and by that I donā€™t only mean mechanical skill) is dropping every season. My theory is that veteran tank and supports are leaving since Blizzard is doing itā€™s best to cull them from the herd to create a a true wanna be shooter. This causing the long dps qā€™s, cause well the game is designed to need tanks and supports.

To plug the gaps left in the player base blizzard is forced to relax the strict matchmaking sr windows just to be able to create games and at the same time they put the game on sale regularly to get new players in. This game takes a long time to properly learn (unless you are gifted) so new players flounder around a bit amongst the trolls then leave only to be replaced by the next batch of fodder.

Itā€™s the only thing that can explain the huge waves of bad gameplay that hits you when you play comp. I can understand bad aim but their are people out there who donā€™t even realize they are taking damage or that their character has another ability. Worse than that is the fact that some of these people get into higher ranks just on good aim / reflexes but have zero concept of teamwork, team composition or even the basics of the game.

So yes the original op is right this game is suffering from a serious skill / experience drain in competitive. I


OP is 100% right - there are definitely more people bad at this game than there are people trying to get better. Dont read the comp, dont adjust, dont change to get the objective accomplished: ā€œItā€™s my single-player game and I play how I wannaā€ seems to be the overall mentality of most Overwatch players.
All these people with their heads buried in the sand telling you its your fault are delusional.

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I donā€™t think it is people ā€œbad at the gameā€.

It is a lot of people who donā€™t engage their brains when playing. Just auto pilot their picks and pathings round maps.

Nothing you can do about it other than to be the player trying to get better and out think your enemy.

In fairness, if you went back 4 years ago, youā€™d be surprisedā€¦ people even in Bronze in general and especially silver and gold are far better than three years agoā€¦ watch some videos from 2016 and 2017ā€¦ youā€™d be shocked how ā€œbadā€ even Diamond players wereā€¦

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doom otp complaining about ā€œbadā€ teammatesā€¦bruh if you think you are better than everyone you play with 1. you got a big problem 2. just win ?? ?? or the overwatch gods put only bad people in your team and top500 6smurfs on enemy team 9 out of 10 games right ? and beside if you say you got 50+ winrate then you should be winning and getting out of the so called bad teammates problem, soon you will be kevesterā€™s teammate

I just had a great game.

Toxic 4 stackā€¦ constantly blaming me. Telling me to kill my self, calling me trashā€¦

Its likeā€¦ this is silver goldā€¦ we are all trashā€¦ I am not sure calling someone trash in a silver lobby is an insultā€¦

Classic weekend Overwatchā€¦ Gutter dwellers crawl out and fill the game up.

lets be very honest hereā€¦ you might be above average at doomfist, and with above average i only mean, better then others are at that hero in your particular eloā€¦ but even IF that is true, that does not mean you are good.

if you were truly as amazing as you clearly feel that you are you would master each and every hero and switch/pick accordingly to what is required to winā€¦

if the enemy has half a brain they take a sombra to hack you non stop and you staying on doomfist means its YOU being badā€¦ not at playing the hero but at playing the game!

yes, you can be good at a hero and still be the cause of losing your match because you refuse to adapt.

beside that i totally agree with the original assesment of a dunning kruger effectā€¦

the worst players are always those who refuse to look for the problem in their own gameplay. not just in overwatch, not just in esports but in EVERY competative sport.

you have not changed my mind about that. at all.

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Thatā€™s hilariously untrue. It doesnā€™t match you with people of your skill level at all. It wouldnā€™t be able to tell anyway, because itā€™s terrible. What it will do is take itā€™s terrible data and run it through itā€™s terrible algorithms and spit out a solution of roughly equal points with whatever spread is available, preferring a narrow spread, but it will widen the spread if no other match is available. Thatā€™s how you get a plat or a diamond in low gold games. In quickplay, itā€™s more loose and cares even less.

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Vitamin C is also commonly sucked.

Since people here are asking for your stats, Iā€™ll give mine instead. I am a OTP ball on my other main account and play Dva primarily on this account - both in the top 10 of EU.

And you are correct. There are boosters who cannot solo q boost silver games because of how bad the players are right now. Recently, a friend and I went into low elo to play a few games to see how bad it was. Hereā€™s what I saw:

  1. Millions of Moiras who are blind and operating on echo-location to dps - having no clue that they are walking straight into 6 spam-based enemies and who cannot understand what is going on around them unless something is directly in front of them.

  2. Millions of Symmetras and Torbs who go afk while they raise their stats using nothing other that turrets, die 20 times a game, and climb a little bit each season - only to fall the next during placements. Rinse and repeat.

  3. Millions of Mercy players aimlessly flying into Rein swings and Ball mines.

  4. Thousands of Lucios who will throw an entire game for that one amazing ā€œboopā€ clip - to show to their 2 subscribers on youtube.

  5. Millions of Bastions who have no clue that a ball is standing on top of them smacking them with a melee punch and laughing at them as I watch them look around to figure out what in the h is doing damage to them.

  6. Thousands of Sombras who run around for the entire game doing nothing but hacking megas and miniā€™s and then dying to the lone cree who accidentally tries to flashbang the bubbled zarya, misses, and hits the sombra instead.

  7. Millions of Reinhardts who charge into the enemy team - hoping to get a charge kills card because apparently thatā€™s the only thing that will get them better mmr and thus srā€¦eventuallyā€¦right?

  8. Millions of Dvas who pretend to be Rein and frontline - accidentally forgetting that they used their entire DM at a enemy rein shield - and then missiling and flying headlong into the enemy team, crashing her car and being demeched only to chase the mercy around and die to it because they are desperate to get a remech kill on that pesky mercy.


These ppl are uncarryable a lot of the time. No GM or booster can 1v6 and entire game and carry ā€œthatā€ hard - itā€™s just not possible or realistic. I have looked at those who have profiles public that posted on this thread - and they are all low elo. They will defend this ā€œegoā€ - wherever they derived it from - with their life and will drop 1500 sr in a dayā€¦if thatā€™s what it takes to go to sleep at night telling themselves they were justified in their stupidity each day.

Donā€™t sweat it bruh. Itā€™s a 5 year old game. Everyone just buys higher accounts and plays on them now. One google search will bring up thousands of accounts for sale. Playing in low elo will only drive you mad - because most of the ppl that play there, belong there - and thereā€™s no escaping that. Make a new account - and redo your placements, get higher, and climb - youā€™ll be in the elo you deserve to be in after that.


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its all true. console in particular. these players have no real intention of playing the game. it is never a game of overwatch. it is a game of goofing off on moira or trying to headshot someone as hanzo. you cannot win a game of checkers amid a game of monopoly just like you cannot win a game of overwatch amid a game of grabass.

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If I were to describe climbing in low elo in 2021:

Itā€™s like trying to climb up a rope with a few dozen 450 pound hiefers clinging on to pplā€™s ankles each game hoping for a carry while being deadlifted.

Thatā€™s really just the truth of the matter.

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Stop the necromancy for the love of god.
We dont need this thread again, which is a classic rant with no purpose.

Also there were a lot more players in 2020 May than now, game is in a coma so games have really low quality.

Iā€™m thinking it would be easier for you just to have enough self control not to click on it if itā€™s not something you want to read. I read it. I felt I had something to say about it. I take it youā€™re one of the moira echo-location specialists I was discussing above.

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you should be asking ā€œWhy is this game so bad for people?ā€

Yeah just donā€™t read the damn thread. Who cares if a thread gets posted in again?

Seriously, why is it an issue?