Why Is Competetive Still Trash After 2 Years?

Competetive Overwatch has been out for more than 2 years and we have yet to see any big changes made to the game mode to improve the gameplay and environment. The game since day 1, has been filled with trolls, leavers, anti-fun heroes like Doomfist, Mercy, Junkrat, Roadhog and stupid inbalanced game modes like 2CP.

It feels like no dev in all of Blizzard listens to their community in any of the games. Just look at WoW and Diablo. It’s all just going downhill and people are starting to quit the games.

Blizzard pls fix : )

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If you think that OW has been bad since the beginning then why do you play it? It might not be the right game for you. That valuable time could be spent playing games that you think are good. There are plenty of alternatives when it comes to video games.

I think they provide top-notch quality in the games industry and the success of their games is proved by the high number of players and extremely long-lived games.

What should they fix when things seem to work out well for them? They can’t fix the fact that players get bored of everything after a while.

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accurate answer of gold-stuck casual player uppon real problems

You were so eager to start a personal attack on me that haven’t even realised that the original post and my answer have nothing to do with ranks.

The real problem is masochist players like you who spend significant time with things/games they don’t like. You can’t be happy that way.

where in order to WIN you have instapick what you would like to play. Hope other people will not feel upset and play with you in order to win.
or they can just PLAY ranked QP+ just to trigger otherd person feelings.very good

everyone has said,give us role Q.even if a person should wait up for 15 minutes its still better than losing in spawn.
dont want to wait? Go QP. ez.

This is a 6v6 PvP game. There are lot of other games with zero human factor.

Again: don’t play it if you don’t like it. There are endless alternatives. And you were complaining about the “human factor” too before editing your post. This game has a lot of human factor to it which makes it unsuitable for some players.

Agane. Game is good. the OWL is good. the fact that in orded to WIN a match you have to FLEX or serve people is not good. Community asked a special role queque. Better search 1 match for a longer time than having toxic experience of an actual MM. Am i right? I like team playing as team. i can Flex play tank or supports. sometimes i want to play some dps and guess what,i cant have even the possibility to try because people are not flexing

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But generally speaking what makes the game good is that it requires people to flex. Sure, role queue would be great, especially cause it would mean that I only have to wait 0.3 seconds for a match while DPS mains wait half an hour. But the question is how to make it good? Differentiate between main tank/off tank/main supp/off supp/hitscan dps/projectile dps? That would heavily limit the possible compositions and creativity. But if you don’t do it, you might have one team with 2 Rein mains and the other with Rein+Zarya, giving a huge edge. And what even is a main support and what off support? Different people have different opinions on that. Would you force a 1-1-1 + 3 Flex? But wouldn’t all DPS then queue for flex, giving you 1-1-4 comps as in QP? Doing role queue is easy, doing it right isn’t.


im playing since season 2. im not the very best player,but even me can play all the tanks at good leve except road.all the supports except ana and some dps hereos which dont need to hitscan flick. i am a tracker player , on my 3400 career peek i LEARNED the GAME. Not the heroes but the BASICS of game.which are NOT SAID at game itself. so if i Quque as TANK i know what i need to do despite tank choice i make. we alredy know that they will not add the role queque because its against their whole idea of Overwatch of playing “whatever” you like.

in 1 year this game will becom action rpg with always less FPS meccanics reqcuired. just to boost casuals from gold to masters

Another solution is open up SR floor from 5k to 7k.make it more ranks. so people can go out of gold plat and FILL what they deserve.

To answer your title with an option,

When there is a big player base there is a lot of toxic behaviour, you can’t really control how people are going to act at home.

Competitive play leads to people being eager to win, stressed and act in a toxic manner.

It’s not a OW thing, it’s a PVP Multi Player game thing.

You have to accept it or move on really, there isn’t much blizzard can do.


Seems the only real issues in this thread are from toxic players who complain about toxic players. Shocker.

you are GOLD stuck casual player who plays game once in a while becasue of skins,being HIGH with friends or for another casual reason. Why people should be listening to you to begin with?
problem is in game design. you have to FLEX in order to WIN and selfish players will be winning with you so you carry cancer further. if you dont flex you will get rolled.
NOBODY wants to play something they dont want to play, i didnt pay for babysitting some 15 yo kid trying to aim as hanzo when he went form silver to master with bridgette while one of his arms were broken

I’m not hardstuck, I have 3 accounts that move between 2000SR and 3000SR and I don’t give a rats about any levels or skins/collectables, but as I see you probably know it better than me. I guess you can read my thoughts too because you are in diamond and everyone should listen to you.

~33% of all accounts are gold and ~25% are plat which means the majority of all players are in these ranks, the third most populated would be silver. You belong to a rank that has a minority of the accounts. But again, if you couldn’t understand it for the first time: the thing you’ve replied to has nothing to do with ranks.

Why should they listen to just another whining player like you. There are 1-2 of them appearing and disappearing the forum on a daily basis. You can create useless threads for each other and like it and no one who matters gives a rats, probably because you are someone to listen to. Why don’t you get a job at Blizzard to translate your fantastic ideas into reality?

You seem to be someone who plays something you don’t want to play.

Perhaps this game isn’t for you then. I bought many games that I no longer play.

You haven’t payed much for it and you already got what you’ve payed for based on the level of your account. Most other games provide much less playtime some of them without much replayability. What do you expect for a one-off payment? Beggars can’t be choosers.

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Well one thing to separate present day from the early days of OW is that player numbers seem to be dwindling. Its getting harder to find englishspeaking teams in LFG and teams are increasingly unbalanced (500ish sr difference between players doesn’t seem to be uncommon anymore in comp)

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btw. why do you spam?


99% of threads are useless whining as moderator you can see that.

yes.I flex on team and get heroes we need because of my bigger game sense and knowledge , not meccanical skill.
but i feel frustrated to flex on selfish and bad players, that we as team carry in next game feeding their ego.and when a person like me (tired of playing same 5-6 heroes ofr week) wants to play smth diffrent, it will result in spawn lose just by hero choice

i might have bought over 600 chests.how can you judge anyone?

account numbers goes for 50 mlns ,player base back to 20 :smiley:

Why would someone spend extra money on a game that has always been trash?


The fact there isnt a role Q before you get into a game shows blizzards failure. 10/10 games can be lost before you even pick a hero, just because you get placed with 5 other players of the same role. What kind of game forces you to play hero’s you don’t like and hero’s you arnt good at. Especially in a competitive setting. Terrible design

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