Why Reaper is NOT overpowered

Right, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your teammates will help you.

No but the chances should be about the same as the chances for the reaper to have gotten a bubble in the first place.
I guess rank will also effect how often people will respond with a working counter play.

I just gave a few examples of what could be done against a reaper with bubble.
People can take it as they wish.

The problem is WHEN he start shoot you from meelee - hes nearby UNKILLABLE bcz of sick selfheal that overrides your damage

shrug same thing as Brigitte when she first came out. The popular strategy for dealing with her was to never go melee.

It’s mentality issue at low rank don’t even bother trying to rely on others they won’t ask you what to play if they do its usually just want me to play Lucio or Zen, no one is going to play Brigitte when being asked to, and the Ana player must suffer as result when enemy picks dive, so much fun :unamused::-1:
I would play dps and flex but no one lets me good game everyone, lets all have some fun but not me cos im not allowed to play what i want unless its what you want, lets force players to play what they do not want that is surely healthy for the game :unamused::-1:, i think its time we all just rised up​:thinking::muscle: and just played what they want no matter if it works or not, it’s game fault that it does’t work, not the player, just enforce role queue and role based SR and MMR things will stabilize, don’t and game will only get worse, players have been using alt accounts already dedicated to roles why should we have to pay for such experience, why even encourage alt accounts, everyone is hating smurfs but they do not consider the fact that behind every smurf is a upset player :thinking::unamused::-1:
And as far as Reaper go’s no he’s not OP stop trying to rely on others to counter him and do it yourself.

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If you want to play whatever you want, instead of having to work with your team to form the best composition possible. Don’t Play competitive.

We have a mode called Quick Play for people who wishes to play whatever they want.

Brigitte heals for 16 hps, it’s not that hard to bypassher healing and kill her. Reaper heals for several times that amount, but hey, hating and complaining about Brigitte is always nice as far as i see for this community…

Oh really? And how many characters could actually win in Brigitte’s range? With the instant 150 damage combo, self heals, and armor?

Do not tell me what mode i can or cannot play i decide that not you, anyway it does’t matter in current state no matter what mode you play you can never play what you want, you just won’t have the same quality games.

Hate to break it to you but that combo is only 105 damage now, you can’t even one hit combo a Tracer unless Tracer took damage, and then not even talking about Tracer with Zen orb probably can’t even kill that unless whole team happens to focus her, plz get your facts straight.

Too bad my point was about release Brigitte, not current one.

Competitive mode was meant to be played seriously, where people would work as a team and do everything in their power to win the game, which includes switching heroes.
This whole concept are being ruined partly by people with this exact attitude.
I find it very disrespectful, especially since we have an other mode with the very purpose of letting you play any hero you want.

I simply ask you to consider not feeding the issue more than necessary.
And if you do, please don’t complain if people report you in turn.

Working as team is’t a one way street it works both ways, that means im allowed to play what i want to, if you do not like that fine it just proof my point further, im tired of players like you telling me how i should play what i should play, its why i uninstalled the game, thanks for contributing a horrible experience for me :unamused::-1:

You want 5 people to switch and play around you but refuse to switch to play around the 5? Who is actually ruining the game for who?
I’m sorry if you feel entitled enough for this to ruin the game for you.

No i want everyone to pick role they wanna play before game starts so we all get balanced teams instead of 5 players that all wanna play dps :unamused::-1: why you think i am nagging, do you asking me to explain it over and over again ? :thinking::smirk::+1:

Great, and then people in GM and Bronze can wait 30min to find a game, because everyone is queueing for dps. :unamused::-1:

Oh i be playing dps but also lot more tank, and less support until im a better tank and dps player probably, i may stop playing tank tho after being stable around masters, unless i have a good time and biased matchmaking towards koth maps :man_shrugging:

Are you seriously only thinking about your own experience?

Yeah and there no language barrier in EU even tho this is English forum, stop trying to find confirmation bias we are all human and we all more alike then you may think, we all want a good experience.

:man_facepalming: Oh my…
The amount of faith in humanity i just lost.

You don’t want a good experience ? :thinking: