Why Reaper is NOT overpowered

Yes, but not at the cost of others experience.

you guys are getting off topic real quick, reel it back in please

But others will choose what they wanna play that means they have a good experience, there also no cheese game will be more balanced to as result Reaper will look more balanced to :thinking:if you ask me that’s pretty good thing :+1: don’t just forget there also counters to reaper within each role except maybe tank role, but that needs more heroes anyway.

Yes i’m sorry, this thing just blew my mind a bit too much to ignore.

To get back on the topic. Basically I will agree that Reaper only seem op if you haven’t learned how to play around him. Evidenced by him still being rather weak at higher ranks.

With that said, Even though he may seem like a big issue for lower ranks RN, I would give it some time for people to adjust before judging the state of him too harshly.
If it turns out that people just can’t manage to adjust, you may want to figure out what to do to change that.
But so far, I think it’s still a bit too early to make that call.

He got overbuffed… Case closed.

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I doubt you say that if you one trick Reaper for an entire day :crazy_face:

Depends on the rank I guess. In platinum and below he is certainly viable to play in most situations.

If you seriously called Matrix, (one of the biggest abilities in the game to maybe claim the title as most overpowered ability) bad, i don´t know what you know about high level OW, D.va or anything in general. Many people call Ress op, but it has far more outplay and consequence than even the nerfed Matrix, not to mention the unlimited potential that the ability has, can eat infinite amount of ults and damage and only limited by a timer.

How big is your 4head?

This adds nothing to anything.

??? So much of what you have written is incorrect.

  1. Any character in any situation can be swapped to counter another character - this doesnt make him objectively bad.
  2. DVA did not get nerfed to the ground and is still objectively one of the most played and strongest tanks in the game.
  3. Reaper has the loudest abilities and footsteps in the game aside from mccree steps. If you aren’t watching or listening for your flanks then it’s your lack of skill and awareness which killed you.
  4. I have no idea what you are referring to here
  5. Nor here
  6. Firstly your complete misinformed here. Goats was never designed to counter dive and sniper meta, Brig was released to stop a 6 season dive meta. Out of Brigitte at the end of stage four the goats comp began to be used. The way reaper is, you can’t buff him to counter goats his whole kit is flawed in a way that he will get rolled through everytime due to his close range only fights. If sniper meta comes to counter reaper, people will stop picking reaper then there is no point to double sniper leaving us with either a new meta (unlikely) or it is just turned back to goats on goats again due to picking anything else instigates hard counter comps.

The only way to counter goats is by making small changes to the way tanks work and how relevant healers work.