Widowmaker is...kinda useless

Now before anyone bites my head off about how Widowmaker can do this and that just. Hear me out.

Now I’m not a widow basher, I enjoy playing her and have 9 hours of gameplay being the 11th most played hero on my account (I spent a lot of time in my noob days maining the other characters for days on end bear in mind I only have 200 hours played). But I realise there isn’t much point to having her.
Sure there are gods who can pick off an entire team with her but with 6 characters with some kind of shield and the fact that the only place Widow is safe IE: away from the battle, preferably on a rooftop is countered by:
D.va’s jet boost
Roadhogs hook
Genjis double jump wall climb
Hanzos wallclimb and sniping
An ulting Mercy
Reapers teleport
Junkrats mine jump
Soldiera rockets
Meis ice wall lift
Sombras translocator
Winstons jump
Ana shooting you
I won’t count Widow because of course
And Pharah
Her abilities (her hook anyway) has way too slow of a cooldown to work against that and her close range fighting is poor means that a Genji can chase you upon leaving the spawn room and you can’t do dick about it causing you too switch off. And with the fact a Genji is in…every game. (And bear in mind if not Genji one of the other heroes can beat her)

Meanwhile I have to get my picks against a shit ton of shields and often times people play tanks or they peek and it just feels like Widowmaker is useless.

Maybe have the sniper work as, if fully charged, the bullet goes through shields or put in some kind of passive ability or something! Because as is, I don’t see anything she can do Hanzo can’t which sucks…

So you want to say she is bad because she has Counters and is not good in every single situation …wow


No I’ saying she’s bad because she has two strengths which are both countered by practically everyone and is rarely useful

Because in good hands she would be untouchable + allready 1 shotting the majoriy of the heroes in the head… Sniping with WM in this game is way more forgiving then other games like battlefield, or anything with actual bullet drop off.

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Yeah and I can get my picks I can get headshot after headshot and assisting bodyshots constantly. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a decent Widowmaker.

However I feel it’s unfair that almost everyone in the cast can easily pursue and kill her.
I’ve had games where I have to switch off because upon leaving the spawn, I grapple to a strategic point, their genji sees me and proceeds to hunt me down. I try to snipe him and he reflects the shot, I try to assaukt rifle him and he hits me twice and sword slashes me and I’m dead.

And that’s just Genji (who is played in every lobby anyway)
Everyone in the list (while many can be headshotted by her at long ranger distance. Can easily (most with things that do not require cool down) shorten that gap and kill you in close range.

And when they’re not pursuing you, they’re under three shields

Actually, it is my opinion that the current season sort of favours her. I say sort of, because it’s still more meta to have a Hanzo instead or McCree or Doomfist or whatever, but dive heroes are being hard countered and that really lets Widows have a lot more space than they used to have previous seasons.

I’m personally enjoying Widow this season a lot, and I do feel like it’s easier to pull off as it’s not as common to see enemy Winston/DVa/Genji anymore.

I cant really think anything easier to kill as a widowmaker than a reaper trying to teleport on a high ground to kill you (unless you count someone afk in your line of sight). I see people try that but I cant just understand how on earth do they think they would survive? Its the easiest head shot of the century.

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im a widowmaker ana main and I can tell you that widowmaker is one of the best heroes in the game. you have the power to one shot people and you can snowball very good with widowmaker. You just need more experience. Dont forget that positioning and movement is key beside of good aim

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She’s far from. I always fear a good Widow.

Widowmaker has her spot and will always have her spot as the long range sniper but she is only good on certain maps its just hanzo does everything better than mcree/widow at the moment so he just needs to be nerfed and she will be fine im sure.

One of the most broken hardcarry overpowered characters in the game is useless, yeah okay rofl.


Widowmaker is basically only countered by shields, so I would say she is still mostly useful (even though I hate useless widows in my teams). You just need to dodge dives.

I sometimes have to switch off pharah because the enemy has a good zen and widow or mccree or soldier or diva or ana or hanzo etc…

And even if they not that good, i still have to adjust my play style and can’t just fly around where ever i want, letting it rain rockets on everyone… :frowning:

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Ahh yes only shields
So only Reinhardt, Winston, Orisa, Brigitte, D.va (in a sense)
Of which Reinhardt, Brigitte and D.va are almost always in a game? Okay then.

As for “you need good positioning”
I get on a spot, the Genji or Hanzo pursues me so I grapple away, 6 seconds later he’s saord dashed or air dashed and climbed up to my location, or one of the other 20 dive characters is following me. I look at my rappel time, 7 seconds and I’m dead.

No amount of headshots can save you there.


“Kinda” no widow is useless. Her ult hardly helps. If she’s not consecutively killing people and barrassing tanks, she isn’t worth the pick. Most of the time, widows are dead weight. I’ve rarely seen widows who are really good and can do their job effectively. Hanzo does every thing she does better at this point. 10x better.

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When you can one shot 80% of the hero pool no matter how far away you are, it’s okay to have a lot of “counters”. Also please dont compare hanzo and widowmaker. They are two entirely different heroes. Its like comparing junkrat too Mcree.

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Uh wall hacks are insanely good unless your bronze. Even then wall hacks are good.

So according to you any hero that doesent consecutively kill enemy heroes and do loads of dmg to enemy tanks they are not worth it? I can tell you a secret. Anyone who can do that is a smurf or your playing in bronze vs bastion.

Not really. Most of the times the teams flame the widow for no reason. They think like you and they think that widow is worth nothing unless you get picks constantly and that is far from the truth.

Thats because of your attitude. You most likely saw a smurf and thought “hey thats how widows should always do!”.

I mean I can pull numbers out of my ass as well but doesent make that true.

Just sit at the back and fire random shots into the healers, eventually you’ll accidentally kill one and win :slight_smile:

Sometimes I find that just knowing there is a widow on the other team (before I find out if they are good or bad) will make me play differently.

So good or bad, the presence of a widow can change things (hence why you are hunted down by genji).

Comms with team or retreating to a position so it is no longer 1v1 may be better in the future.

not useless but not as rewarding as most other heroes.

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