Worst Character in the game opinions

I think its reaper because he has the worst weapon spread and falloff in the game, arguably still one of the most useless abilities being shadowstep some of the loudest footsteps ever, one of the worst ultimate’s, a pretty big hitbox and no rmb ability its not really a surprise that hes one of the least picked heroes in the game I guess blizzard just hates the guy

which hero do you think is the worst

Least picked?

Try being a bastion main… then you have a right to complain that your favorite hero can never be used

He is one of the most OP heros in the game! (MY OPINION)

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In general, it’s not too bad imo.

Junkrat, Mercy, Pharah, Zarya.

Bastion is fine, but he’s situational. I think the ones I listed have trouble even in situations where they should be great.

He cant do anything he is suposed to do.

All of bastions situations are null and void because of his 29 counters

Worst characters are Genji and Widow.
Not because of their toolset but because of the people playing them.


and what exactly is so bad about Genji and Widow players?
your making some rather big generalizations about people there…
and on top of that you don’t even specify what is so bad about us.

I mean if your a support main then i can kinda see if because many widows are bad about making themselves visible to mercys and anas and genjis seam to be terrified of getting shoot and will perpetually dodge the ana at every single moment… (genji must really be terrified of needles)

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So you’re saying Bastion isn’t strong defending first point Paris?

1 point on 1 map? That is your argument…

All of the time effort and money blizzard spends on hero development and justification for them not recieving a buff is because the can be used on 1 point in 1 map effectively

And even then when a junkrat can fill the role just as well?

You sir are either very stupid or are purposefully being disengenious

Actual worst going off pickrates of the heroes across all 7 tiers would be Bastion, but the worst for me personally in terms of just their kit, abilities and design would have to be Symettra. I used to like old Sym, she was unique, different and had an ultimate that was really cool (shield or tele) but this new rework just feels like a rushed mishmash of ideas and her new ult is just boring and annoying, one big wall shield, wow very original in a game ful of shields. I just feel like they had no fresh ideas for her so they took her old kit and just threw it in a blender and swapped out a good ult for a boring one.

So even though Bastion pickrate is lower, I would class Sym 2.0 as the worst hero in the game.

I would say bastion on his own yeah has a lot of counters, but in low ranks he makes up a crucial part of bunker comp. This is very effective on choke point maps


i’m not saying this because i’m a pharah main and i want her to be buffed, but seriously most heroes are hit scan and she’s this annoying flying mosquito that’s not got much health and is ult charge for widows

She also has a bad ult and with the nerf on her splash damage she’s utterly useless

And about the person who said zarya is one of the weakest



I think there’s a reason why they play her

Zarya is definitely weaker than before but not the weakest. Blizzard’s horrendous balancing in season 10 somehow dragged Zarya under the bus too since she was part of the deathball comp that came about and since we all knew season 10 was a terrible mess of bad balancing decisions from Blizzard in order to get rid of dive, we knew the heroes would get nerfed eventually and they did (Brig, Hanzo 2.0, etc) and somehow Zarya got dragged in to the nerf hammer with them.

As a Zarya main, she’s definitely not the worst hero in the game but she’s fallen off quite a bit. I kind of think of Zarya as similar to Bastion or Pharah in some ways, in that if you don’t have the right team around you, it’s going to be very very hard to be effective or get anything out of the game. For example if I don’t have a second tank on the team, I never play Zarya, it’s just fighting an uphill battle, would rather DPS or heal in those situations.

Pick rate says very little about a hero’s strength, more about their generality/specificity. If you want to know who is worst, you have to check the win rate, so the worst hero of the month (for the 20th time in a row or so) is Sombra, as usual. In GM her win rate is 2nd to worst (Hammond wins that dishonour), in M she’s 5th worst, in all other rank she is dead last.

Another reason why pick rate doesn’t say much is the mere fact that there are 652 DPS heroes in the game and only 7 tanks and 7 supports. Obviously, DPS pick rates will be lower while they have been the beneficiaries of power creep pretty much forever.

Well, I didn’t need to make an argument, since what you said was silly. I just thought I’d point out the obvious and let you make a fool of yourself.

Oh dear… :sweat_smile:

Rofl… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

I don’t need to say anything or provide an argument that Bastion is useful in certain situations, just like I don’t need to make an argument that the grass is green. Everyone knows the grass is green and everyone knows Bastion is useful in certain situations. I think deep down you know you’re being silly here, which is why you’re jumping right to insults because you know your position is ridiculous.

Everyone’s held points thanks to having a Bastion and anyone who says otherwise is truly being disingenuous. :yum:

I am a bastion main… have been sonce release i know where he does and doesnt work

I can also make him work in situations where he doesnt work because i have that much experience on him

The fact that he can work does not mean he is useful… half of the time you have to work your rear end off just to be mildly effective… the other half of the time you are completely useless in the meaning that 4 5 or 6 other heros from across the roster would do what you’re doing and be more effective at it

And yes as i thought you are stupid

n order :

Pharah: Suffers far too much of his mediocre agility in flight. It only takes a player who knows how to aim and it quickly becomes unviable.

Junkrat: Suffers a lot from the arrival of Ash and his fuc… dynamite. Why have reduced Junkrat’s mine damage if it’s to give Ash even more powerful skill?

Mercy: Is broken. Its gameplay has never been very exciting but it is clearly struggling to find its place in the game I think.

Brigitte: About the same as Mercy. She went from a character much too strong to completely useless. In my opinion it needs a large rework.

Lol Reaper is insanely OP, he can one shot people close up, he has great survivability and his ultimate can wipe out the team.

what do you play at bronze how bad do you have 2 be, to have issues with reaper

Going off OWL statistics Reaper would be the worst hero in the game and I can understand why. However I’d also put arguments in for Mercy and a few others.

In my opinion Bastion is not undrpowe4ed and is really strong in the emerging bunker meta. However, he requires a team to play around him if a team plays around him his counters are mostly useless due to the shielding. The only way to deal with a bunkered bastion is to brawl in the orisa shield which if there is a baptiste can still not work.