Battlenet server down for maintenance?

Please help as since Patch 5, I had not been able to log in - keeps saying battlenet server is down for maintenance and try again later. Is it down or is there a bug? Any help would be greatly appreciated


I have the same problem - I have been getting the messag saying that battlenet server is down for maintenance for two days now - I have tried the various tips on this site without success StarCraft II Doesn't Launch - Blizzard Support


There is any news for this? I can’t sign in either.

Same here, this has been going on for about 2-3 weeks for me.

Can you please try this:

  1. Press windows key + R > Type %programdata% > Click OK > Delete the and Blizzard Entertainment folders

  2. Press windows key + R > Type %appdata% > Click OK > Delete the folder

  3. Press windows key + R > Type %localappdata% > Click OK > Delete the and Blizzard Entertainment folders

If the issue persists, please upload your system files to and reply with the links to the files using the preformatted text option to encapsulate the links.

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Hi there…

I tried that and no avail. I waited like 30 min on pastebin, but it didn’t give me any link.

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same problem here.
It has been going since the patch.

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I also have this problem

Same here. Last couple of days I CANNOT log in. It says its down for maintenance. I play the game for 22 years. I never had any issues until now. Finally im on a day off and i cant play. Very upsetting!


Is there anyone we can send a mail or what? What do we do?

I had an issue for over 7 hours now, it was fixed for Diablo but I still cannot login to starcraft, same reason, is down for maintenance

Tried the cache thingy and restarted without any success, WHAT IS GOING ON?

Your advice made my day, now is corrupted and I cannot uninstall and re-install it thanks to you.

I have had the same problem for the past week. I am continuously being told that my internet connection is down or the Battlenet server is down for maintenance.

I do not have an option of changing the DNS server assigned by my ISO even if I thought that this might be the problem, but anyway I am sure the problem does not lie with my ISP’s DNS servers.

Why can I log into other Blizzard games (such as Diablo III), but not into Starcraft II?


So, when are we going to to get a fix for this?

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I have also the same problem since the 5.0 patch

Same problem :frowning: Continuously being told that my internet connection is down or the Battlenet server is down for maintenance. Please help :frowning:

Just installed Win10 and the Blizz app again. Thought it was new instalation bug or somethin. I`m glad im not only one with this problem! Starcraft I works just fine for me so i thought it was wierd.

Great tip from Blizzard official support. I delete folder “” from %programdata%, and now i can’t open app, can’t reinstall this app (keep “Updating Blizzard Agent” - no any actions), trying all solutions, and nothing work at all. All this just 1 day after start new campaign in recently bought Heart of Swarm. Blizzard go to work…


exactly what happened to me :rage:

jeez, looks like I’m not the only victim from Patch 5.0 here. What is the fix??

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