Bot crawling around 2v2 for the past 2 years

I know the company pretty much abandoned the game with that full-blown statement months back. They went full corpo mode and doesn’t give a fart if the game is not profitable enough. I mean, god forbid if the almighty Bobby loses a few millions to keep a classic series on its rails with competent staff.

I also know competitive team games is the least appealing game mode the ladder has to offer, I even suspect coop has more presence but don’t quote me on that. A quick inspection on the front page shows the chaotic state of the game right now: the problems outweight other content tenfold.

The thing is, how difficult it is to automate a system that punishes droppers? Detecting cheaters can be a hard and arduous process , yes, but how difficult can it be to auto-distribute temporary bans? Or even pair droppers against droppers only. The past 20 games I had at least 10 run-ins with a bot that constantly drops the minute the game commences, I even remember from the back of my head encountering him a lot of times on the last 2 years. The worst of it is that I already met people who reported the same individual , for the same purpose, and still I see him laddering like if he was Osama Bin Laden himself casually walking around the white house.

Since the ingame reporting feature is oubviously a failure, answer me these: Will reporting be automated someday, even if it takes years? Are there any moderators left at the game at all?