i hate watching ghost late game bc of how absolutely OP they are.
seriously it is just destroying all enjoyment when seeing masses of ghost being produced;
they are simply too op at too much and can:
*detect cloaked
*snipe t3, t2, t1 easy mode killing everything except ultra’s but 2 ghost will do the trick easy still and ghost much less resource etc…
with zero skill or counter, even teleporting to the other side of the map out of los doesnt do anything; out of range should cancel it so should out of los like Every other skill except BC’s but BC’s is a T3 unit and 60% of it’s utility is that 1 ability which has Over a minutes CD and take 50% longer cast time AND only does 240 dmg while ghost spam snipe at 1,4s cd and 170dmg at twice the distance and can spam 3 per ghost…
its just op; also it doesn’t require an upgrade like bc does…
also BC’s can’t hit units out of sight, or unit that teleports (both cancel the skill) while snipe doesn’t care at all… which is just so fcking OP
*emp all energy; sigh this is such an OP power to have, at most it should be single target like feedback; but it hits a huge area, got crazy long cast range and also detect invisibility; which is OP as h, and with scans, ravens and cheap turrets do they really need one more energy way to remove all invis danger?
currently why would you Ever bring a raven over a ghost?
*emp 50% of all hp of P, shields
*emp being near instant and impossible to dodge (while fungal was nerfed 5 times because of this exact attribute and take 4chain fungals and 11+ seconds just to kill 1 ghost, and storms are dps over 5 seconds and the raven rocket is very slow moving and give plenty of reaction time) the ONLY other aoe spell that is instant hit like this is Oracle which is just letting them See you, NOT take 50% of your hp, instantly drain 8+ units energy making them useless or other such nonsense…
*auto attack to do pretty decent dmg. from long distance. (honestly their dmg is very high 2 shotting a stalker with only 8ish ghost, or 1 shotting it if hit with emp first; from range 6, which is the same as stalkers and more than any other bio unit of T, bc ghost apparently “need” that extra to be even more OP)
*turning invisible/cloaking
*doing nuke harass, which honestly compared to infestor spamming infested it is far more destructive and you need to invest only 100/100 and only 1 unit that can die not 10+ like you had to with infest for this result.
*cheapest spellcaster in-game by like 50%+ gas.
*lowest supply cost spellcaster, or same.
*highest survivability spellcaster in game(bc not counted as spellc as no energy is stored), you could argue oracle but lets be real oracle can’t cloak, get healed, got more hp than the highest HP combat unit of it’s type or tier.
*got NUKES! most OP aoe in the game… and the cost is that of roughly 1 infestor; even the disruption to the other player having to look for it is worth more than 100/100.
and several more reasons can be added…
they are so overpowered that T doesn’t even care to hide them in a medivac, spread them out, presplit or combat split or micro them to the back of their units in a-move fights.
which i find to be a ridiculous thing to look at when compared to how much P and Z has to babysit their spellcasters to not instantly lose the game, especially Z lose easily if a clump of 8+ infestors gets cought and killed in one go. with ghost this is not an issue at all bc while incredibly strong the ghost isn’t needed in the T’s defence to hold back for long enough to reproduce them without taking noteworthy base dmg (mostly you can’t even push their siege line even when you catch 10+ ghost in 3 fungels and sacrifice like 50 banes to get them as they slow move back over the 10+ seconds of movement before fungel actually can kill any of them; and if they don’t die it’s a huge win as you wasted 3 fungels for nothing; and almost 100% of the time got your 3 infestors sniped or killed doing so.
its just so infuriating that it is the best or second best at evrerything anyone else can do, and no other units gets remotely close to its incredible utility and OPness…
its solo handedly decides endgame like 90% of T games, if T is massing ghost and get more than 10 they should win unless they do a really huge micro mistake and lose their entire army for almost nothing;
its so dumb it is still so strong and never received any kind of nerfs only indirect buffs by nerfing everything that could kill it.
which was not needed aseverything killing it was already very inefficient in resources as you need like 2xt3 units to just touch it and to kill it you need like 4x+ the Resources a ghost cost.
even letting your ghost get fungelled its not worth the fungal energy to kill 1 ghost and the ghost can instant kill any infestor in 1.5 seconds from an entire vertical screen away.