[Main Thread] Temporary Request Error - Jan 2024

Me two!!!

where is issues pls?

Classic cooperation mode - this week weekly mutation Shared Pain > play
gives an error: Server failed to create a game.

I have never missed to accomplish a weekly mutator since it was introduced (1624 reward points so far).

and now not able to play weekly mutator, due to server problem.

please fix urgently!

this is probably related to EU server general problem lasting for about a week.


Seconded, pretty much everyone I asked in coop chat had the same issue. NONE could queue up for the weekly mutation (solo or in a premade group).

Co Op is a big part of the people still playing this game, Arcade is another and that was bugged for a week now. Blizz, come on, deal with this.

Still no fix no answer…

This is no Blizz anymore BTW…

Yup, same. None of the fixes going around the internet fixes this. Must be blizz related rather than user related.

Still not possible to play weekly mutation on EU server… please fix asap

As of morning 16 Jan, the error still persists. Normal coop works, but not the mutation.

It’s still broken. “server failed to create the game.”

It’s working, apparently, not only for me but for most people! Thanks blizzard!

Yep seems things are working again now

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Wow, yeah!
Desert Assault with Twin Units is workink now!

P.S. Never more Desert Strike!

Also had success tonight. Can create and join custom arcade in EU again. Yay!
Lets hope it sticks.

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Finally the hamster has been fed.

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Working for me too. Thanks Blizzard!


Yup, it seems to work here too :slight_smile: Thank you Blizzard, keep up with this game!! :heart: