Petition: Blizzard should make a separate server for Russian gamers

It’s the racism, the hostile attitude, the homophobia, the constant abuse that seems to be prevalent in Russian gaming culture.

they write exclusively in russian, and when you tell them you don’t speak russian, a barrage of nasty curse words follows.

Ever since Putin started his anti-gay campaign, you see tons of out-of-the-blue homophobic remarks in the game chat.

recently, I am seeing a disturbing amount of Trump advocacy Ads spewed out in games by russian gamers. I don’t know, I suppose they find it funny.

It seems they are just there to abuse using ANY means available to them in the game. Apparently, they enjoy the game ONLY if they make every other player miserable.

Do all Russian gamers do that? absolutely not, but a staggering majority of them do.

Reply “signed” if you agree.


And they suck too…

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I agree with every word you said.

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Чел пчел челибос куда ты лезешь за пивандополой газани нах


Just don’t chat, if they type in russian or say mean words just block them, I don’t see how could this be a problem, especially because no one talks in game above gold league other than glhf and gg, and also a couple of balance complains here and there. And I don’t think creating a whole new server for russians, just because they’re mean, racist, and homophobic, the purpose of starcraft is not the social side, but the game itself, making a whole new server just bc of that seems really unnessecery and bad


It’s kinda wild to whine about racism when you want to exclude an entire population of players from your server


OP, you’re having a case of “survivorship bias” here.
You just dont notice all those polite, good-playing, non-swearing, tolerant Russians.
You just think they are your good’ol European buddies.

And I have proof. I am Russian and I had good long chats with Swedish guy, who couldnt believe I am Russian. He said that I’m “so EU”.
Thats how you guys biased are.

So you’ve met all kinds of trolls and suckers - but you only blame Russians, as you dont have means to actually remove all trolls from the game.

Also you’ve met all kinds of Russian players - but you only noticed bad ones.
And you’re demanding ghetto for all of them, good or bad.

Well, Europe already had a leader who also planned a national-based separation…
Remember how it ended?


In fact, he actually has the means — called “Block Communication”. This won’t remove the troll from the game per se, but will make his chats invisible for him personally, and that already covers the majority of the cases.
But as far as I can see, lots of people prefer whining about other bad people instead of just blocking and forgetting about them. And I don’t get it.


same about me, maybe i lose some games while doing prestige on lower levels, but in that case i just switch to hard instead of brutal for couple levels, i never curse and troll people, and i am Russian… if people wanna remove toxic people, than remove toxics, not all of us…

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I’ve been saying it for a long time- it has to be addressed!

Russians are the cancer of the EU server! Smurfing and BM is the most typical trend.

They also tend to cheese or use unholy strategies like proxying 4 starports and massing banshees, that’s why i want them to get a separate server. Make them play against eachother with those strategies, i don’t want to even try and fight that level of brain damage lol

I will support it. But before it happens, they should be not allowed to play arcade for length of invasion. Then make separate server. In competetive games it is easy, because you can just block them. In arcade you can’t, or you can’t play many games. They can also kick you, join your games and troll etc.

Yeah, some Russians are ruthless (Just walk into russian chat and you’ll see that endless spew of hate), but moving them to separate server and blocking them from arcade is not a good idea.
At first, you will hurt not only trolls, but innocent people as well. Remember, not all of the Russians are bad. At second, you will not stop trolls from using VPN and then trolling you again. They’ll simply come back. And at last, that’s what they want. Block them from the game - and they will flourish on innocent people’s misery.
Instead, Blizzard should enforce chat rules and hire active game moderators. This is the simplest solution, because it’ll reduce toxicity to a minimum and keep the game clean from trolls.

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Same here… Its one of the reasons i dont buy Blizzard games any more.
My experience with (most) Russian players is very negative…
No communication except insults and much low skill level than everyone else on the EU server…
Blizzard really doesnt care anymore… Plenty of other games to invest in.


There’s perfect memes to describe the absurdity of this petition.

The mute/block buttons exist.

Use em.

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Signed Signed Signed

i think there should be too then you wouldnt troll and be verbally abuse in 2v2