I’m playing starcraft since a long time. First few hours were no problem. However, now when I start the game it say’s it can’t connect to blizzard services.
I am from the EU-region, when I logged in on US-region I could play again at first, however, same problem after a while. Now I can only access the PTR-mode. Am still logged in to battlenet, no problems there. Looks like this old thread: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/sc2/t/resolved-connecting-to-blizzard-services-aug-2023/1588
I checked firewall, restarted computer and modem; no issues with internet-connection; no big applications running in background; flushed DNS cache and reset network configuration. I also tried reinstalling the game and changing my password.
My ticket was closed, recommending the forum. However, I didn’t read any solution on the old thread. Any ideas how to solve this? Could there be a problem in background authenticating my account or other issues that can be solved?