The game server timed out when creating a game

this is true , getting the same as you

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Same, very annoying. Second day in a row, can you give at least any estimates so that we don’t waste time?


I’ve sent them a support ticket before reading this. It feels like this problem is not going to be solved any time soon :cry:


Same, very annoying.


This is just getting ridiculous now. What are they doing?


Global Error - SIGH

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it’s a f-fest at blizzard. can’t play my fav arcade game at all over the holiday weekend. thanks blizzard

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Same here for 2 days already!

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Sigh, still nothing (UK here). Been several days now.

It infuriates me that you can’t just create a local custom game without having to be online. All I want to do is try out some strategies against the AI - I don’t need online connectivity.

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It is still possible to create lobbies in the korea server. So, if you want to play with friends, you can try that.

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Same problem :frowning:

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same problem, please fix.

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Same problem here! When try to create games on sc2 battlenet it crushes (timed out) and I have to get over and over again until I get a game working! Please fix your bloody platform! :frowning:

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Same issue - any idea on when we can expect a fix?


They ask us to be online all the time when we play yet they can’t bother to do the same with their servers for us. Freakin’ game night with bros during holidays messed up.


agree to this
blizz cmon u mking a big mistake ingnoring sc2


This is pretty sad – I haven’t experienced an unannounced outage like this since I started playing Starcraft in 1998… :weary:


I have also experienced this today. We got timeout error when trying to queue 3v3 with my friends. We have all tried to queue for the team and all have failed. We found that if you continue to try after failed. You will get through once every 5 to 10 times. Seems some kind of timing issue.


just one more sad SC2 player waiting for the fix of this tedious problem…


Hello? Hello??? Hellooooooooo??? Anyone out there?

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