What has happened to team balancing?

I can’t be the only person experiencing this.
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I think, team games completely changed. It was like all the other diamond players vanished overnight. now teams are comprised of much more varied skill levels. I’m now playing with silver and gold where previously it would have all been planum and diamond.

I assume they radically changed the algorithm for assembling matchups? Was there a statement about what’s going on?

As enemies i have them. In a 4 vs 4. 4 Master and diamond, against me with 2 silver and a gold! 5 times in a row. Then 6 times trolls and afk. The algorthim is shit - and blizzard wants to stop the game. So this is how they will do it.
It is just a pity how a great game (with great AI) is completly destroyed by a unlogical match making. Why do we ned 5 different scales. Being first in the league but declide 2 leagues. . It is emabarrasing!