2.0 Hotkeys Feedback / Bug report (missing shop-items, etc)

Hello there Blizz. Thank you for your work on Warcraft 3 Reforged and your attempt to improve the game. I fancy the new menu (TfT style, faster, better overview).

Beein playing around with 2.0 and testing the new hotkey menu, also at least one full match per race. Unfortunately this new function is flawed.

Bugs (lost functions basically)


  • All shop-items missing: (healing salve, scroll of speed etc.) I can not set shop items in the menu. Also the auto-generated file seems to be missing any entries for shop-items after saving (i.e. from each race, neutral shops, market place). Unfortunately that means even when you use an old customkeys.txt that had those keys it doesn’t save them when the file is newly-generated by saving any option ingame!


  • Shaman: Purge missing, will delete entry from old customkeys.txt (mine was Q before, ingame it’s G now). Actually I had noticed this in a match when I couldn’t purge and missed the kill, haha. After that I checked each race and entry.


  • Barracks: Sundering Blades missing, will delete entry from old customkeys.txt

Not tested:

  • Neutral heroes or units



  • Your positions in the newly generated file are missing, too, i.e. Buttonpos=0,0. (But it worked in 2.0.0 before saving anything in the options.) It would be nice if it didn’t delete these entries from the old custom made files after saving. For example it’s very handy for qwer setups that you can find online, and having the spells positioned in that order (like when you want to put a spell that is set to Q on first position, because it’s not there by default, etc). The hotkeys themselves were not arbitrarily chosen. This was a very common practice in some setups you can find online. IMO: It was a very cool feature by Warcraft 3 Classic when revamping the default setup by more than a bit, This even worked in Reforged until now before 2.0… (FYI: My qwer setup is starting with spells)
    Would it be possible, when including new features, you don’t break the old - great - ones.

Thanks for reading my feedback.
Please keep it up!

PS to users:
Hints for testing, if you want to test it in single player, make sure to not use the save / load function, but start a new game (better yet restart wc3) to fully test your new setup. I.e. for the shop it seemed to use the hotkeys you had when saving, but for the shaman’s purge (etc!) and any button positions it changed no matter what.


any update on this?

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Yes, huge Problem, please fix.

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What a joke, All shop-items missing hugely impacts the game

I have found workaround!
What you need to do is paste your customkeys.txt file and go to properties of the file and make it read-only. That way the game won’t be able to mess up your settings.
Hope it helps you guys :slight_smile: Cheers

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The code for shaman purge is [Apg2]. Write this in a new line with the hotkey underneath. Make sure to leave a blank line above and below, like the other hotkeys in the document. As someone else mentioned, you can make the document “read only” in it’s properties to stop the game changing it. This is what you are entering:


Edit: BTW I just did it anywhere in the document, it doesn’t need to be in a specific place/order in the list

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Big thanks for the update Microsoft/Blizzard, finaly som some effort put into the game.


The “workaround” does not work for the positions of the hotkeys.
This is a big deal for us that has played with the buttons in a certain way for several years.
Please fix this as of now the game is close to unplayable with my old muscle memory.

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Please fix the hotkey asap. Just copy whatever W3champions is doing will reslove the issue.

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Saved my day man, thank you!!

Yesterday I set [apg2] = Q in my customkeys.txt, saved it and played with it.
Today I started the game and purge went back to G.
The apg2-entry in CustomKeys.txt was deleted again.

Will it reset each time I newly start the game or what happened here? That’ll be awful.
I also play direct strike on w3champions, in case that resets my customkeys.txt, i am not aware of…

Yes, I hope you take a small moment to read: From my tests - which I tried to present that I did it extensively: Anything that is NOT in the current hotkey menu (To side readers: it’s to the right of ‘Input’ tab, which will become available once you set custom keys) will be not saved to the newly generated file.

The reason it did not change for you before… is because you did not change anything in the options, very likely (this is from my various tests, there can be some other reason ofc). I also had this exact phenomenon at the start and quite wondered why my copy pasted customkey would suddenly not be overwritten (the ones I mentioned) , but then noticed by research that it will only try to generate a new file due to changing options. And btw shop changed only in new game (not load).

In a nutshell: The file only generates when you play around with options. (and save) Not by starting war3 or playing any match. And again, it only generates what their new menu allows to edit…

BTW: You can also notice via CustomKeyBindings folder, the new file has very few Kilobytes (~10 KB)!

PS: I had actually already concisely explained this (and the other) in the topic. Maybe the other person was misleading beause apg2 is not new this patch it was used before, so it behaves just like anything I mentioned:

I hope this helps, otherwise reread the other answers, too. (they have it all)

PPS: Dude, I just reread I had even noticed it at Purge itself! :

This was in context, so adding to the previous explanation. So just because someone else mentions the actual old code entry, doesn’t mean it would not delete it! You don’t need to know the code entry you can use your old file overall instead.

( FYI: There was a certain effort in the topic, to not only inform Blizz but also save you the trouble by keeping it concise and simplified, sadly less concise but still simple with this post. ( I did many other small tests and things))
This still is all the case with (today).

Yeah, have the same issue. CustomHotkeys.txt isn’t what it should be and the in-game UI is lacking. . it’s mostly functional, but it’s really difficult to play with weird shop hotkeys after building the muscle memory for so long. Please Blizz, WC32.0 is otherwise amazing, it actually almost feels complete!