64 bit only? Where is the original Warcraft III: RoC

I find this very unacceptable Blizzard!

I did not expect when I linked my Warcraft 3 keys to my battlenet account that so that I can download the installers that it would be replaced with a poor looking new version that needs a 64bit machine to run.

I keep an older 32bit win7 machine to run some older games on, and I thought I’d revisit Warcraft 3. I find I cannot install it from my account (I linked the keys years ago) as it has been upgraded and the new reimagined one needs a 64 bit OS.

I cannot install from disc currently as I don’t have a working optical drive currently. I’ve not used it in several years!

Please reinstate the original downloads of Warcraft III: RoC and TT those who either bought digitally or linked keys can still download the version they bought.



Write on US forums, they have left the building for EU. :frowning:

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Definitely my last Blizzard game ever. I won’t touch Diablo IV (microtransactions?! WTF?!) with a 10 foot pole. I just want my original game to be playable. With LAN and so on. I want nothing to do with the new Blizzard, because the ORIGINAL W3/TFT are actually now worse than before:

  • performance is worse
  • same unsolved LAN missing
  • tons of features still missing (after how many months after launch?!)
    Never again, Blizzard, I promise.