My game keeps crashing at the same point during the second Night Elf campaing, The level is “Balancing The Scales” (7th level I think). About 30 mins into the level. I have a save right before it happens. Illidan attacks my base and the game crashes. Consistently happens at the same exact time every single time.
Having exactly the same problem.
Illidan attacks my base and then game crashes.
Tried it multiple times with same result.
Checked shared article and no, I’ve no problems with system spec.
Anyone found a solution?
Same problem, tried several reloads, no matter what I do - still crashing. Specs and Updates are not the problem. Has anyone tried something that worked - like restarting the mission, etc.?
Same here. This crash has something to do with Illidan, but this only occures to when I attack his base. Illidan has in return attacked my base with out any crashes several times.
EDIT: Well I don’t know whether it was the fact that I lower my graphics to low, or the fact that I decided to engage and destroy the southern naga base first, but I was able to finish the mission. After I had destroyed the southern base, and then engaged the northern base(Illidans base) the game no longer crashed for me.
There isn’t any confirmed bug on our side. If the above solutions didn’t work, you can circumvent the problem finishing the mission and proceed to the next one by using the cheat AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs.
Just met this bug today on hard difficulty. Looks like the problem is with Illidan, naga base and/or with chimaeras because the game crushes only if I have on my screen all three of them.
Got chushes everytime when I tried to destroy the upper naga base (the one with Illidan) until I realized the source of this problem. Then I just waited until Illidan kills himself against my base, clear out base guard without chimaeras and then used them to focus the hero altar to prevent Illidan from resurrecting. After this I had no problem with crushes.
Maybe the problem is only with chmearas and the upper naga base on this map and you will never have any crushes if you just won’t use them for assault (I left them to defend my base and the game won’t crush when they killed Illidan). Maybe the problem is with Illidan and his base and you need to avoid to fight him here. But at least I met this crush and solved this problem that way.
Just met this bug today on hard difficulty. Looks like the problem is with Illidan, naga base and/or with chimaeras because the game crushes only if I have on my screen all three of them.
Got chushes everytime when I tried to destroy the upper naga base (the one with Illidan) until I realized the source of this problem. Then I just waited until Illidan kills himself against my base, clear out base guard without chimaeras and then used them to focus the hero altar to prevent Illidan from resurrecting. After this I had no problem with crushes.
Maybe the problem is only with chmearas and the upper naga base on this map and you will never have any crushes if you just won’t use them for assault (I left them to defend my base and the game won’t crush when they killed Illidan). Maybe the problem is with Illidan and his base and you need to avoid to fight him here. But at least I met this crush and solved this problem that way.
P.S. How bad designed this forum can possibly be?!
Then the ploblem is with Illidan I think. Did he was on his base when you attacked it? If yes, you can try to destroy the sourthen base 1st, wait until Illidan will attack yours and kill him, then move to his base and wreck the altar before he will be resurrected. It will be easy from the south, altar will be very close to you.