always more globohom bullshit, tens of gigs of tardbloat, all ur talent left decades ago, now its all dei garbage, all u can do is break and corrupt stuff made by people 1000x better than you are or will ever be, you are pathetic, demons and shitters and losers, cannot just leave a game alone, only here to corrupt and destroy (and try to leech money), you will go to hell, you will get retribution, you have no right to take something superior people built, and destroy it every month with gigs of bloat and garbage and brokenness, f u, they are coming for u, u will get retribution u scumbag shitters, u are pathetic
why the hell is my client downloading 1.3GB of update and no patch notes?
just to break your custom games lobby =D
you enter game, you play game, you finish game and see no games any more =D
have to restart wc3 after each game =D
But why is that? i Reinstalled the game, didnt work…
Guys I don’t think we will ever find answers for why is that happening. So much illogical and badly organized work on this game (even though 2.0 patch was a step in the right direction but still really disorganized and not finished).
I just afraid that they are trying to put us off from playing the game in order to get us into playing World of Warcraft !!
It’s so clear that they’re allowing the game to “crash” on its own. With this many bugs, it’s impossible not to believe it’s intentional. If they really wanted to fix it, they would. We’ve said that their team “doesn’t know how to fix it”, so they should just hire the people from W3 Champions to solve their problems. It’s that simple. But they don’t want to fix it.
Look, now they’re telling people they’ve fixed it with new stuff, but it’s still problematic. This will make 10% of people quit again. Then on December 23rd, they claimed they fixed it, and yet another 10% of people quit because of it. People are getting frustrated and giving up after every “fix.” This feels like manipulation.
IM 100 % sure about this. Mark my words.
Btw it’s better if you go to us forum
I believe it is intentional but what on earth would the reason to do that?
Just destroing one game doesn’t make the players to go and play one of their other games or would it? So I wonder what is behind it…