I can't install the game i own

I own war III roc and frozen throne.
But i can’t install reforged to play with the old graphic as i use to do.
What is happening?

Hi there Veritas,

You should be able to install the Classic version using the Battle.net Desktop App.

If you don’t have the option there, make sure you’re logged in to the correct account where you’ve added your game keys.

You can find more info about this, as well as a link to further troubleshooting steps if needed here:

I have everything and i still don’t have the option to install the game. Curiously i had already done it. It’s just right now i can’t anymore.

Make sure you have the WC3 keys claimed to this account, if confirmed then try the following:

  1. Press windows key + R > Type %programdata% > Click OK > Delete the Battle.net and Blizzard Entertainment folders

  2. Press windows key + R > Type %appdata% > Click OK > Delete the Battle.net folder

  3. Press windows key + R > Type %localappdata% > Click OK > Delete the battle.net and Blizzard Entertainment folders

You may also need to reset your Password to refresh the account. Hopefully this should get the Install button working.

It appears that I have the same issue. I have just bought the game (Warcraft 3 Reforged) and now I do not have the option to install the product. I am stuck with the “Buy Now” option and once i click it, it says the game is already In my library.

I have tried reinstalling the battlnet client. Also, i tried the above-suggested troubleshooting steps but the result is the same.

Could you please suggest what else could be done to resolve this issue so that i can download the game?


I have the same issue as Siloviq, I bought Warcraft 3 Reforged but i only see the buy button, When i click it it says its in my library but it is not. Please give a fix for this, I want to play the stuff i payed for. Reinstalling the client dosent help


Hey there. Since I can’t see that anyone answered your question yet, I figured I may as well say what worked for me.

If you log into your bnet account (Blizzard Entertainment) and click on ‘Account Settings’ you’ll end up on the ‘Account Overview’ page.

From there, you’ll see a list on the left hand side. On that list, click on ‘Games and Subscriptions’. If you scroll all the way down, you’ll find a section called ‘Classic Games’. It should show you WarCraft III RoC and WarCraft III TFT, the license key and a button which says ‘Download game client’.

Click on ‘Download game client’ (it’s just one client, so you can click on either RoC or TFT). Once downloaded, launch the client you just downloaded and bnet will let you download the game.

Just to point out, I originally had the physical CD’s and at some point I added the CD keys on to Bnet, which is why I can see my license key on my Bnet account.

EDIT: You might also be able to download it from here - Downloads – Blizzard Entertainment


Thank you so much. This works for me :slight_smile:

I was having the same issue. Thank you!

P.S. Blizzard, please, fix this issue.

I did that, where i downloaded it for the browser and not the BNet app, and i can play the classic part, but not the reforged part…
anyone know what to do?


If by ‘reforged part’ you are referring to the ‘reforged’ graphics, then you need to own the Reforged copy of the game.

The solution that I posted above is for people who do not own Reforged but want to download the original WarCraft III game.

If you own Reforged, then you can simply download the Reforged version of the game via the Bnet client and you can switch between the ‘reforged’ and original graphics in game.

To my knowledge, no additional/exclusive content has been added to Reforged that isn’t in the original game.

Thanks for help nCode :smiley:

Now its impossible to download the game client from “Games and Subscriptions” page, download game client link just transfers you to bnet application download…


i have the exact same problem with it only linking to the bnet client -.-

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Same here. There’s no way to actually download this game anymore. The bnet client doesn’t give any option to do it and the website redeirects me to the bnet client, so it’s a dead end.
I hope Blizzard is not planning on stripping me of my already owned games in some shady way.

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Same problem here; i have those wc3 classic downloaders on my laptop, but i get an error now “peer-to-peer networking is disabled, this download is not authorized”

You can try download warcraft 3 from here Blizzard Support - How to Install Warcraft III: Reforged & Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
it will install all reforged graphics via battle.net app but you can play warcraft 3 classic after.

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Bruh, it’s been 2 years and they still didn’t fix the issue
What a company

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Thank you for this. Cant believe I have to dig through the forums for a solution to a game that I paid for. Blizzard can you do better?

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lower your expectations. it’s a small indie company =)