Orc Campaign Chapter VIII - Can't Kill Grom Hellscream

Orc Campaign - Hard Mode - Chapter VIII
At the end we face Grom Hellscream, killing him once, Grom resurrect and we need to face him again and kill a second time.
After killing him a second time, Grom Hellscream resurrect one more time, and so infinitely. (Tried using “whoyourdaddy” cheat code, he resurrects in an infinite loop.
This is 2nd time I report this bug, but I can’t find previous ticket therefore creating it again.
Because of this, no way to continue to next campaign.

You’re not supposed to kill him? You’re supposed to use the soul gem on him.


I feel so stupid … thanks anyway appreciated! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Happy to hear you can continue with this.