Please allow unlimited doodads in the editor for the Xth time

We are many map developers who would love to use the newest WC3 editor instead of custom ones. Unfortunately, we still have to resort to those old custom editors where there is no doodad limit because the doodad limit has still not been removed from the official editor. Many quality maps, especially RPGs, are made with tens of thousands of doodads to look realistic and beautiful instead of just plain blizz cliffs and trees. All of these maps work perfectly fine on Bnet and we play them all the time. But for the editor, this is not possible. That makes no sense.

This has been on our wishlist for years and years and I really hope you would listen and just change this number limit or remove it entirely. It should take ten minutes for you to implement this in a new patch but you would have our eternal gratitude.

Make an “Experimental mode” tick box so that map makers have to tick this box themselves.
In-game, this is not a problem. If a map is good, people will play it. If not, it will disappear into the void. This also means that weirdos who put a million doodads in their maps for no reason will not have their maps played by anyone, hence why that won’t be a problem.
