There is a trainer being passed around and it's ruining the game

So I have seen things happen in custom games that was obviously some kind of trainer.
Beating a team and the opposition inexplicably gains 20k hp or his storm bolt becomes insta-kill.

I have played those games to the end planning to inspect the replay and had my game crashed and coming back to find the replay has been corrupted.

Today, a kid was called out for hacking in another game. I literally saw him spawn a unit, make it giant. Give it infinite stats and fill his gold and lumber values to max.
He then said “Nobody cares if you’re cheating”

I left, thinking I’d avoid the crash and get the replay.
Nope. I downloaded the replay and named it. Went to view it and it was the last game I played 2 hours ago. Went to the replay list and the download I just saved didn’t exist.

/udpate, managed to catch one of them and exit the game just before they crashed it, you can see how it starts getting dramatically slow once they start injecting their script or whatever is happening.

Here’s a video; - YouTube

He likes to play dumb, but he can do this instakill stuff in any match, amongst the other things I described in the paragraphs above.
There’s another called Jache, and the third I think is called FrozenFire.
I have been unable to catch them at it, but now I know how to stop their replay corruption trick, I will gather the evidence.

“This video isn’t available anymore” :frowning: