There was an error in handling the request

“There was an error in handling the request”

It’s been over a week. WTF?

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i have the same issuess, also couldnt install game thru battlenet app. I downloaded it thru battlenet on the internet…

same here!!!

Same here still not lettting me in

I havn’t tried to actually record a win or loss the past 10 games in a row… Is the ladder completely broken now?
I don’t recall a single game from ladder 4v4 being recorded this past week or two? Is anyone working on something?

Does anyone know how to solve “There was an error in handling this request”?

On the same problem RN. Were you able to solve it?

Same problem. I hope it gets fixed soon… I’d love to actually get to play the game I bouht

Found a fix, change your region to Asia…