Units disappearing in campaign

After saving then loading the save in the campaign, in warcraft 3 classic, some units/heros no longer appear on the screen. They can still attack, use spells, be attacked with attack click on the ground, and they still have a shadow… but they are invisible, cannot be selected by clicking on them (though you can still select a hero by clicking on the hero icon in the top left), and do not react verbally. I do not remember all affected units, but among others, Tyrande, Illidan, some corrupted orcs burrows, some neutral creeps are affected.

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I experience the same. Technical support, can we have a fix please?
Here’s a screenshot: https:// imgur . com / a / N1ThPnP
(I put spaces in the URL, so the forum let me post is.)

I’m having the same issue and it’s ruining my campaign. I hope we get a fix soon.

Same issue with invisible units. Is not fixed

Same issue here, still not fixed.

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