Не могу играть с другом в группе из за cataclysm timewalking

I can’t play with a friend in a band because of cataclysm timewalking. How do I get back to my usual time? A level 70 character, the horde. I talked to Chrome, there are no options in the dialog with it. Please help me

Once you reach 70 you are in the regular timeline by default for The War Within. You will require the latest expansion to be able to progress further.

The starter quest for TWW should auto pop. You are sent to Silithus.

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I bought the latest extension. For the character buff “Song of the Destroyer” “Bonus event: Cataclysm Timewalking”. I can’t play with a friend because of this. I don’t understand how I can go back to the usual time… Maybe I need to complete some quests, but which ones?

I presume you can make a party with your friend, but are phased so you can’t see each other?

Try Party Sync.

When in a party, you should see the “Start Party Sync” button bottom-right of your quest log. Click that, and you should be lowered to his level and be able to play with him.

It doesn’t work in all cases, but always worth trying.

This video shows how: