Сurrent state of M+ keys cannot remain the same. Need to revive M+ reward system: more titles/ achievements/ enchants/ cosmetics... something

There is only one worthy achievement in M+ keys - 0.1%, which includes a measly 1-1.5k people every season. This is insanely small and discourages other people from playing keys. Achievements for all 10 keys do not cost anything; these achievements are made for people who enter the game for the first time. It turns out that due to the presence of 0.1%, you are either a beginner level who has recently entered the game, or have been playing in a group for 10 hours every day for years (streamers/geeks). Most of the people from the 0.1% play in parties. Obviously you need to add at least 0.5% and 1% of achievements to M+. You can also 3%, 5%, 7%, but at least something between 0.1% and 10%. Saying “only 10% closed 10 keys” means not caring about all those who are between these 10% and 0.1%. There is no point in playing keys for people who are currently included in this 0.1%-10%. For what? They won’t receive a 0.1% achievement, why should they continue to play, why should they renew their subscription (like me)? Blizzard is losing subscribers from these people every day, these are not empty words, I have friends who left wow because there was no point in continuing to try to push M+ keys. What’s the point in me continuing to play this game? I don’t know… Will the introduction of 0.5% and 1% really require colossal investments? I won’t believe it. Please, Blizzard, add M+ achievements (0.5-10%), add meaning to this game…

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We don’t need more titles but add a weapon enchant when you hit top 1%. Like in pvp.

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This 0.1% should be by spec, not overall. That would promote off-meta spec play.

And this.

And rewards wise, i think thats enough IMO.


I agree.
We need at least something: at least titles, at least achievements or at least enchants like in pvp or… Something. “This 0.1% should be by spec, not overall. That would promote off-meta spec play.” – this is great idea, at least because it “something”. Something for guys between 10%-0.1% in M+ keys.
Guys (and ladies ofc) from blizzard, we need “something” for keys.
PVP has so much variety in terms of achievements, while the much more popular M+ keys, which all players go to without exception, have so little variety in rewards,
so little support on his way. Blizzard is spoiling the UX of its own game by not introducing obvious things. Times are changing. Time to move on.
I was glad to hear the response from other players and I will be immensely grateful to everyone who supports us, who shares thoughts/ ideas as the previous guys did. <3

Replace “random bgs” with m+, and “cosmetics” with titles and watch this.


Close 8 “weekly no leavers” and enjoy life mr. “Djfármville”, this topic is not for you, there are people here with higher interests.

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If your interests are “higher” than playing m+ then why are you talking about playing m+.

Telling me to enjoy life when you are the one that cant seem to grasp the concept that not everything needs to have an incentive for you to enjoy doing something.

Whose concept is this, yours? Or maybe you heard a “concept” somewhere and jumped up like a parrot to prove to everyone that this concept is the “correct” one. You absolutely don’t understand what this topic is about, you got into someone else’s garden without understanding what we’re talking about. I will once again ask you not to write here, since you have already proven twice that you are “8 weekly no leavers”. You are not given the opportunity, at least for now, to understand what the topic is about, you may be offended, but this is a fact. Come back to this topic when you have closed at least 12 keys. Ty.

Bro checked my rio score for this season and concluded im a weekly 8 no leaver player.
Ignore the rest 20+ seasons ive played in and almost always pushed keys way above the max vault range.

What you are talking about is something ive seen others say 1000 times over so you are not going to succeed by saying “you dont even understand what we are talking about go away”.

Think you are projecting bud, your the one slandering me, im just offering responses to your arguments which you clearly dont seem to appreciate.

You see, friend, it took Blizzard 4 years (4, Karl) to introduce the “rio” system, when in the legion, although not without nuances, but a similar system was made by enthusiasts in the first six months. Do you think they couldn’t have done it before? Small indie company? No, everything is simpler, my young friend. Blizzard developers are people just like me and probably u. If they are told “make a Brutosaurus for $90”, they will do it and it doesn’t matter that the game will be broken during the update: from the mini-map to raids. And if they are not told “make a rio system”, “update the reward system in M+”, they will not do this, even if it is obvious to everyone. And the fact that this is not obvious to you, well, that’s only for you and people like you. 2 people above understood what we were talking about and supported the topic.
You don’t understand, there’s nothing wrong with that, time will pass and you’ll most likely understand. I see that youthful maximalism is raging in you, you are trying to prove something where your evidence is absolutely unnecessary, to share “concepts” that are absolutely uninteresting to others. That’s the way the coockie crumbles.

Ok your post is kind of hard to read but i will try to understand your point.

I do understand this?, you do what your boss tells you to do ie what makes blizz money.

Dont seem how this has anything to do with what we are talking about? Are you saying blizz wont give m+ rewards because it will cost them money to dedicate dev hours for that? You are forgetting that according to your argument m+ rewards will attract more people to their game or retain the ones already playing ie more money to blizzard.

Damn what a great sample size you got there. Out of the millions of m+ players, 2 out of 3 said yes and 1 said no. Hmm yeah if i were to run the numbes and do some statistical inference yea you are right the probability that the one person saying no is incorrect would be very, very high.

Also the fact that you feel the need to say “2 people are agreeing with me” only tells me you are starting to doubt your own position which makes sense since you are were attacking me for argumenting against you earlier and in your latest post youve turned up the grammatical inconsistencies and the condescending tone considerably.


Doesn’t it bother you at all that there is a 0.1% title? I understand your position, let’s bring the “concept”, your thoughts to a certain constructiveness. As I understand it, correct me if this is not so, there is no point in 0.1% and it should be removed. If so, then here you and me have a consensus. Either there are no awards at all, or there are, but not for some geeks/streamers, but a normally designed system for everyone.

I honestly dont even know what the 0.1% title is this season. The only purpose for titles in my opinion is to show off your status, like the pvp titles do. But they are not needed at all for me personally, all i need is some way to score my progress and RIO score accomplishes that.

The problem is that if a person writes, for example, “I had 3k Rio last season,” in apply’ description for most keyholders these are empty words, no one will check and believe that this is really your Rio last season and this is normal, why should we do this? Information gets erased over time about ur prev season rio and only achievements, decorations, titles make sense.
Even you are an example of this, you say “20 seasons before I played higher keys,” but what is the use of these words, what is the meaning of your “20 seasons”, no one will go check it out, no one will want to ask when on which character, no one will believe your words, everyone believes the facts and this is in the order of things.

So now we are talking about the struggles of pug life?

Yea but i was not applying to your m+ group when i said i have high scores previous seasons…
You were accusing me of being ineligible to participate in your forum post cause of my score so i would think that allegation should come with some due dilligence meaning you should have also looked at my scores from previous seasons.

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The current topic has already been raised by me in dragonflight (on another account). And do you know what Blizzard answered me? That they have this in their plans. They need to be reminded, they need to be pushed, adding everything that was said by me and other people in the topic is inevitable, it’s a matter of time. It took them 4 years to develop the rio system. It took them 4-5+ years to introduce 0.1% (geeks and streamers whined). And it’s been 8+ years since they have been able to introduce a reward system into M+. I want to “whine” not for myself specifically, not for the 1% of players in the keys, but for at least some kind of M+ reward system, which will make more sense for both me and you.

Link me the bluepost

RaiderIO score and 0.1% titles are not evidence that you and other “m+ reward” pushers have been succesful in influencing blizzard. Its not far at all from other stuff they have done like in pvp there is a scoring system and titles already.

Neither score or a title is a reward as i said before, it just displays status. A reward would be as you said cosmetics and mounts not just for the 0.1%, but for the average keypushers. So that would look like rewards for each key level above +10.
At +11 you get a bear mount and some new toy or whatev,
At +12 another mount and some transmog,

To this day none of that exists because i think blizzard believes the same way as i do. They should not have to “force” people to play the game, they should just want to by themselves, again watch the pilav youtube video for 4 min and he will make it clear to you.


This is utterly false. It DOES matter, by quite a lot.

First. Many players have the Raider IO addon that tells you these things.

And Second, next season when it begins we will all be back to 0 rating. When you quew into keys, people will check what your rio this season was. And those that had a high rio on the previous season will get invited first and will have a significant advantage gear wise, and rio wise at the beginning of each season.

This is widely known phenomena. The higher your rio, the more ahead you get season to season. Simply because people check this stuff.

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The issue I see is that the range of keys /level of play in question is already the elite of a small subset of players, we´re talking about 10 maybe 20k Chars (not accounts=) worldwide, hell let it be 100k which is wholly unrealistic.

There is IMO absolutely no point in investing the amount of time /effort /cost it requires to create a mount or similar cosmetic reward that at the very most less than 1% of your entire playerbase will ever have a chance to get, that´s the whole reason why the mount is a 2k rating reward to begin with.

Firstly, because you´re almost spending more in development time than the qualifying players in question will collectively earn in RL during that same season (for zero ROI, mind you)

Secondly, because thae vast majority of the playerbase will, as usual and rightfully so, complain about a significant cosmetic reward not being attainable by the 99%.

Thirdly: even if in some fictional world this did actually motivate more than 20k people to play more highest end m+, being motivated to do something and being capable of doing it are not in any way causally related… for ex, I´m highly motivated to win the Freiburg Marathon next year, realistically I can consider myself lucky if I survive it :wink:

So when the dust settles, it would be nothing more than an additional reward for the most elite few without any actual effect on player participation because it completely ignores the actual underlying problems such as player skill or PuG toxicity that do the lion´s share of keeping people out of m+.

Specifically re the latter, most of my guild, esp tanks and healers, no longer runs m+ with even one random in the grp, better to do something else, literally anything. Because, with all due respect, they’re all bloody muppets these days, every god damn one of them… and even when we still did, half of them get kicked before the run even starts because we can already see the telltale signs of tryhard toxicity on the way to the dungeon. The underlying issue here is that most people no longer view random groups as a “team”, it´s not about “us” for them and never was. It´s merely a transaction for them, they could just as well be ordering a pizza. And if even the slightest thing is wrong with it, no matter whether it was mentioned or not when ordering, they go full on Karen-mode. :wink:

Firstly we need better class balance in M+. The spec population on +10 upwards is very unbalanced. Secondly Blizzard should reward the best % of each spec, not overall.

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