“An End to the killing” please help!

I have the quest “an end to the killing” and “an unwelcome advisor” both require me to report to king Anduin Wrynn in stormwind and he is not there. There may be an issue with phasing or something but I can’t find where I am going wrong please help!

That does sound like a phasing problem, and most likely caused by you being on a quest that phases you.

The top comment for this quest on Wowhead says:

By dasbaum (42,662 – 11·80·359) on 2019/07/27 (Patch 8.2.0)

If you can’t see Anduin in the Throne room. You might be phased for stormwind for 5 or more other questlines. If you started any questline that is phasing Stormwind, you need to complete it first, to bring you back into the correct phasing.

“On Whispered Winds” - Darkshore BattleFront Quest Line

Check if you got the quest line On Whispered Winds
You need to continue the quest line until you complete “Shores of Fate”

Macro to check: If any of these show “false”, click the link above for “One Whispered Winds” and complete them. Stormwind should be back to normal afterwards.

/script for q,i in pairs({[“On Whispered Winds =”]=53847,[“Waning Hope =”]=53849,[“Shores of Fate =”]=53988})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

“The Hand of Fate” Questline.

Check if you got the questline or any of the followups from The Hand of Fate

Macro to check: If any of these show “false”, click the link above for “Hand of Fate” and complete them. Stormwind should be back to normal afterwards.

/script for q,i in pairs({[“The Hand of Fate (1) =”]=47221,[“The Hand of Fate (2)=”]=48506,[“Two If By Sea =”]=47222,[“Light’s Exodus =”]=47223,[“The Vindicaar =”]=47224})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

“The Legion Returns” Questline

If you did not complete the initial Legionquestline, then Anduin is not king for you yet and thus you won’t find him in the trone room. Check this questline: Legion: The Legion Returns

Macro to check: If any of these show “false”, click the link above for “The Legion Returns” and complete them. Stormwind should be back to normal afterwards.

/script for q,i in pairs({[“The Legion Returns =”]=40519,[“To be prepared=”]=42782,[“The Battle for Broken Shore =”]=42740 ,[“The Fallen Lion =”]=40517})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

“Sizing Up The Opposition” Questline

You can’t be on (Quest #47473) either, this will phase stormwind as well: /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(47473))

“A found Memento” Questline

You can’t be on (Quest #46268) or the questline Summons to the Keep either, this will phase stormwind as well:

Macro first quest: /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(46268))

Macro questline: /script for q,i in pairs({[“Summons to the Keep =”]=46272,[“Consoling the King=”]=46274,[“A Kingdom’s Heart =”]=46275,[“The King’s Path =”]=46282})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

Good luck

Check these out, Does anything there relate to your problem?

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