“Just go straight to the boss,” says the rusher as we wipe for the 10th time…

My turn to be salty…

What the heck are you doing?

If it worked to just go straight to the bosses in Dawnbreaker or any other dungeon that has the enhanced power mechanic unless you kill the mini bosses, then we wouldn’t wipe out several times. If you can’t heal or tank the boss at its full power, and the team is completely wiping, then it’s plain insanity to continue to do the same things that made you wipe out the first three times.

Sincerely, a very salty Enluu. I’m never gonna financially recover from these repair costs because you are over confident in your abilities…


I literally tell people every Dawnbreaker I enter what to do as it seems that many people are still getting used to it, ignore the random mobs not at the airship off to the sides that are already fighting at the beginning, fly off the airship on first boss big aoe, etc.

I have no issue with that, the expansion is new, and even if it wasn’t, it takes a few secs to type it out and be helpful.

I will then warn the group the second boss hits like a truck, has insanely huge hp, and that it is extremely better to do the mini-bosses first to debuff it.

If we try the second boss with no adds killed, fair enough. No harm in trying, been successful with multiple groups.

What is extremely annoying, is when the group fails miserably, it’s not even close. Then tries again, and again, without killing adds. I tend to just leave the group by then. Maybe that makes me part of the problem? But I am just tired of offering the solution that repeatedly gets ignored.

At least by that time, as it is the second boss, I do not get the dungeon deserter, but I would very much not leave and people actually react to what is killing them than just repeatedly hitting their heads into a wall.


I will try their method three times, but if they do it again a fourth or fifth time doing the exact same tactic yet again, that’s when I start saying “Can we just kill the mini bosses now you stubborn git? If rushing the boss worked like that we wouldn’t have wiped ten times!”

I’ve had a pretty good record with that boss with 0 adds killed, BUT, even if you succeed, it usually takes LONGER than doing at least 1 add and then the boss. It’s not worth doing it that way, unless you KNOW you have uber DPS x3 that can mow him down. But with being beginning of expansion and all, people are not geared enough for that yet.

Most groups in LFD now kill at least 1 add (rarely 2) before we fight the boss, probably for that reason. And because chances of wiping are lower that way, too.

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