⚔️ Call to Arms: General Discussion

Who says you’ll get a chance to kill the mighty horde?! Just kidding, I suck against rogues so you can kill me easy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It should be fun - most of us participating aren’t PvP gods and we’re all just doing it for a laugh. Well, except Kyrel who has been training for years to slaughter us all…


I thought me and you were meeting in the middle to share a hamper ? two druids watching the world go by in the middle of a battlefield so nice :rofl:


I’ll probably be on my priest as I’m better on her for PvP. Disc priests don’t do picnics. Prepare to meet your doom! Mwahahaha!

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Send a screenshot how everyone is dancing around a camping fire in the middle of the map.

I’m terrible at PvP too: all my related experience its only because the legendaries questline and following my GM that was a PvP fanatic. :smile:


Oh so that’s how its going to be , i am going to perm cc you see how you like that hah !!


Being perma-cc’ed is basically how most of my PvP experiences go :sweat_smile: In the time before the event, I will spend every hour reading PvP guides, watching PvP videos, running battlegrounds relentlessly, grinding out more corruption that ever before… Insert training montage here And then still get cc’ed and nuked in the first minute :crazy_face:


I don’t have discord and I think that I’m away when it’s happening.

Its is very lively there just keep an eye out for Sinaaki and Ceran they make lots of mischief :rofl:


Wait we’re allowed to train??

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Erm, excuse me? Chief Mischief Maker Daestra just cast misdirect on me and Sinaaki! Didn’t know warlocks could do that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As if i would do that :innocent: i have no idea what you mean :rofl: you and Sinny are renowned trouble makers :smiling_imp:

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Might actually consider this :thinking:

on my alliance characters, of course


Aslong as you keep in mind its for fun and not about rateing or whining then please come along and have fun we need more alliance players .

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It can’t be ^^ wargames award no rating, no honorable kills, no honor points and they don’t even count towards your BG win-ratio. It’s really just for the bragging rights of having killed other forumposters.

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Was a tongue in cheek post :wink:

It’s just Daestra doing her bit to try and put off Alliance players so that the mighty horde can triumph. She’s only signed up as Alliance to spy and sabotage.

For the Horde!!!


No bragging right yet!

I think I’m starting to develop an allergy to selfpumping like this.