⚔️ Call to Arms: General Discussion

Sorry I meant Shadazzle is focus target

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Can’t fulfill my tank role without taunting my enemies.


buys more gushing wounds and raises fist in anger

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If My Laptop didn’t have the lag issues it has, and my Spec was any good in PvP, and I had better gear, and I was actually any good at PvP, you would rue the day, rue the day I tell you, that such a challenge was issued…


Come along anyway - that way we can blame a horde loss on your lag issues, not on our own lack of skill :smile:


Oh you hordies may as well just kill yourselves at the start then. I do so find it a tiresome bore to have to clean my blades of the blood and viscera of insects. I mean lets face it, the only reason i don’t PvP is because as soon as I enter everyone says “oh no… we’re so dead” then they leave. The other players on my team then yell at me for being so awesome that they didn’t get any rewards.

its a double edged sword , it really is.

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In fact i even have a little jingle saved for when the inevitable happens and I’m standing there hip swiveling…

Now I wish i could make my own hip swivel emote animation

Bah… BAH I say!! Run coward… chicken!! makes loud chicken noises

go and lay some eggs chicken so the Mighty Alliance team can fry some on the pyre of burning horde corpses!

Disclaimer. What on earth am I talking about, I may as well paint a huge bullseye on my back. I can see it now… “THERE SHE IS THERE SHE IS!! LETS ALL GANK IT TO SHUT IT UP!!”

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Brave sir Brigante.


I could just see that


If this is happening I would love to join! For the Gnomes!

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Join the discord in the opening post and sign up :slight_smile:


Lots of space still.

I may have to go Horde at some point…

Even things up…

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Is that because you are scared or because you know the creme eggs are on the horde side??



Nah you’ll just be crying because you’re losing so bad. Give you some kills, make hordies feel good, then back to my alliance and repeat the cycle. It’s a hobby.

Your creme eggs will still be mine!

Ive got gushing wounds and I’m an OP lock :woman_shrugging: you don’t scare me :rofl:


Coughs 3 gushing wounds and a silence and a stun…

I eat warlocks like creme eggs.

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I also got mind flay, a demon, an infernal and 3 insta casts whilst you sit around waiting for gcd :smiley:

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