⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Protectors of Kalimdor!🌙

The Nightblades are currently out on a small adventure for misc chaotic reasons. Rest assured that we will still be rolling no higher than 2 out of 20 through this however, as we are clearly doing our best as per usual. The Nightblade Dice curse will maintain it’s sturdy grip around us all, so business as usual on our end!

Through November, we have been staying in Ashenvale. Mainly around Silverwing Outpost, but we are no strangers to Astranaar either. During this month, we have been spoiled to have seen a lot of Unit Decima, and having signed the Night Shrouded Concord together, future ventures side by side are sure to be had! We look forwards to it - it is, as always, a true joy to play with you!

Aside from our stray adventures, it is likely that we will be back in Ashenvale in not too long. As always, feel free to say hi should you see us :crescent_moon:


The holiday weekend has offered a welcome break in chaos for the entire cadre. The peace and quiet will not last long, as we will go into 2022 with a new campaign and new adventure! Should you see us about (mostly in Ashenvale atm), do say hi! ^^

Furthermore, I will say it here first, 2022 will likely be the most cursed year for dice rolls ever, as there is not just one but three classic Nightblade 2’s in there. To all and everyone, it was nice knowing you all, but expect us all to meet our demise on behalf of terrible rolls. Happy new year!


The Nightblades have travelled across the sea to Vol’dun in seach of a Sentinel Cadre that has gone missing. So far, we’ve only found the wreckage of the ship the Sentinels were travelling on, but we haven’t given up hope yet! We’re travelling deeper into the desert in search of our sisters. Mystery and adventure awaits!

…and hopefully our DMs will be merciful and we won’t die.


The Nightblades have returned to Ashenvale after their adventures in Zandalar. Detailed campaign reports for our daring quest can be found on our website via this link: https://www.nightbladesentinels.com/2022/01/25/campaign-report-reclaiming-stars/
A huge thanks to Telariel and Ialluen for hosting this exciting campaign for us!

For now, we can usually be found in Astranaar, so don’t hesitate to come by and say hello!


After a brief visit up north for some festival matters for some, we are back in Ashenvale anew. Naturally with an appropriate amount of chaos. Of course.

Also, we are terribly happy to see Astranaar and Ashenvale so populated nowanights! Not only by the same old returning, but with new people too every so often. Don’t be afraid to say hi - we are happy to make friends! ^^


The only good elf is a dead one. And I ain’t talking about DKs.

You should know better Vrax…


Considering how we tend to roll, I am inclined to believe we agree.


After some harrowing adventures in Suramar, the Nightblades are back in Ashenvale to rest and recuperate. A brief visit to the Eastern Kingdoms may be on the horizon though, to celebrate the anniversary of their allies in Unit Decima.


5 years and going?!! That’s such an achievement <3 Epic Elves!


In July it will be 6 years! But thank you so much for the lovely comment! <3


6 years? There better be six big candles invovled then…- Unless candles are banned of course due to ‘accidents’ looks at Sylvanas


We are coming back in Ashenvale, promise!

Oh right, sorry. Uhm! Once again folks, perhaps the best experience you can have as a Night Elven / Kaldorei guild, hands down. Also consists of probably some of the sweetest and most wholesome people on this realm.

More bumps within May from here!


The Nightblades are out campaigning! For now, we have left Ashenvale behind to undertake adventures elsewhere. Interestingly enough, we have not died just yet! The cadre healers are pleased and happy with this development so far, but knows that such joy will likely not last long.

Sooner or later, we will return to Ashenvale - hopefully in some kind of decent shape. Whenever we do, come say hi!

Tor ilisar’thera’nal! :crescent_moon:


After another high-stakes, low-rolling campaign with an explosive finish, the Nightblades have returned to Ashenvale with a victory over the Warsong clan and an age-old piece of Kalimdor wisdom - sometimes you destroy your enemies, sometimes you sit back and watch your enemies to destroy themselves. Particularly when orcs and goblins are involved.

Now the sentinels are due some much needed rest and reflection time. If you come by Astranaar we’d love to see you!


Yeah! Punt those Warsongs! Wooo!

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During the weekend we both hosted and celebrated Jurina’tore in honour of the passing summer solstice! For the time present we remain in Ashenvale, but not for long! New adventures are on the horizon…

Passing by Ashenvale? Feel free to say hi ^^


I just want to say that video in the OP message gave me goosebumps. Great job!


Thank you so much! We’re so glad you enjoyed the video! :smiley:

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I had a blast interacting with this crew! Sure hope to meet again every once in a while!


We were spoiled to have so much pleasant company partake in our Jurina’tore celebrations! It is always delightful to see Ashenvale light up with holiday revellers :heart:

Presently, The Nightblades are out campaigning with a few select allies, but as so often, we will eventually return to Kalimdor soon enough ^^