⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Protectors of Kalimdor!🌙

i went to the Jurina’tore event during lockdown and it was great. disappointed i missed it this year but glad this guild is still going & still doing this kind of events <3


Yesterday the Nightblades turned 6 years old! 6 years…that’s quite a long time and I am so grateful to each and every Nightblade who have chosen to be a part of this journey. I say it every year, but without the members of the Nightblades, this guild would not exist or be the wonderful place that it is.

Six years’ worth of stories, adventures, friendships and family. So, a big thank you to all my members for being here and for contributing to making this small corner of the World of Warcraft space a pretty special place to be. Here’s to even more adventures and crazy shenanigans!

Happy Birthday, Nightblades! :crescent_moon: :heart:


Just a bump for this absolutely lovely guild! I recommend!


Do you guys accept Demon Hunters as well? I have noticed one Kaldorei with a blindfold on your site, and I know that it comes as customization options for the Night Elves, so I am wondering is she Illidari or just just blind.

We do not accept Demon Hunters. The character in question is not a DH, just blind. She is a monk, in fact. ^^

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Got my eye on this, awesome Youtube video and seems like an incredible guild to be part of. :slight_smile:


Elune adore! After a summer with several campaigns, trainings and events, we are slowly but surely settling in for the autumn and for more RP to come. Presently, you find us (mostly) in or around Astranaar, doing various training and misc sentinel-y business - and most importantly of all, preparing for Ashenvale Autumn!

We really look forwards to September and we hope we will see Ashenvale RP bloom with the early months of autumn. Feel free to come by and say hi! :crescent_moon:


How are they handled generally? Is it mostly a case by case basis or more “ah cool. Alliance has these now. Yeah. Tolerated. Whatever.” ((Assuming you find some poor chap who actually wants to brood, but socially, rather than actually be out there doing DH things.))

Taking a stroll through Ashenvale, I note it’s locked in the cata timeline for me. Now I’m unsure if that’s intended or not, but Darkshore and even Teldrassil is still there. Should my world state update somewhere or am I just overthinking it?

That aside, I imagine I’ll see you and yours somewhere down the line!

I -think- Teldrassil and Darkshore updates when one levels through BfA. There should be a Zidormi somewhere in that zone that can put you in the right timeline for that!

Ashenvale is sadly, as so many other zones, very much still looking like it did in Cata. Essentially nothing has happened in Ashenvale map-wise since then. There were some brief changes during the War of Thorns which were amazing, but those were only temporary. The latest lorebook, “Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor” (that got very very mixed reception) more or less states that the zone looks the same with horde bases and Kaldorei bases in the same place as back then, despite all that has happened since.

That depends on the character, I think. Not all within the guild view illidari/DH’s the same and I don’t want to make a blanket statement for everyone. Some of our more traditional members still view the Illidari/DH’s with wary suspicion, but we have been known to work alongside them if the situation calls for it (most recently during a campaign in Suramar about a month ago). Just as some of our more traditional characters still view mages and highborne with wariness and distrust. But we have worked alongside mages quite a lot as well over the years. Even consider some mages allies. There is potential for interesting stories and character growth in tension, I believe. ^^

So to answer your question, it is very much on a case by case basis how we react to illidari/DH’s. We can work alongside them if needed, but they will not be allowed to join the guild.

No, that makes sense. I suspect the only known case of a Demon Hunter working officially with a contingent of Sentinels would probably be Illidan’s campaign against Tichondrius in Felwood, when he consumed the skull.

But I could never see a Demon Hunter in a sentinel guild as such. Working with Sentinels, and spending the evenings together by a moonwell are two wholly different things.

For the most part, it sounds very reasonable.

This character, for instance, could easily work with a contingent of Sentinels. I’ve never imagined DH’s have any racial bias, so that’s easily eliminated, but also because if “the first DH” was a Night Elf, it feels natural to be open to Night Elves, as such.

I could spend hours bouncing ideas and concepts, but I don’t want to derail your guild thread with too much DH nonsense.
Regardless, I thank you for the insight! It all helps when I finally hop back IC on this toon!

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What a great bunch of people! I had a blast tonight RP’ing with you all, thank you! Best Elves on Azeroth!


Thanks for blessing my weapons last night! A fun event (even though I had to keep going afk lol), hope to see you all again soon!


The Nightblades continue to work their magic in Ashenvale, tonight hosting Illuridei for the coming autumn. Hope to see you all there!


Tonight we embarked on our first event of a new campaign - investigating rumours of hostile, potentially Horde aligned druids in Ashenvale. Something is afoot, but what? Only time will tell!


Hey guys! You’re going strong still, I hope!

Been a hectic few weeks, so I’m sorry if I missed any cute moments getting pep talks from you folks!

SLowly but surely dipping in my toes again (And relearning how to think / play the entire game <.< )


They stopped by in Aerie Peak. They’re alright for a bunch of elves.
Barkor tried to slowly get them addicted to salted pork. They might return back to Kalimdor with some extra weight.


I’ve never given “thicc” elves any thought but now…

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Indeed, we are presently in Aerie Peak, and we find ourselves in absolutely brilliant company with the Dwarves of the Morodnir. Sooner or later we will be back in Ashenvale, but presently it is very tempting to stay here forever ^^