⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Protectors of Kalimdor!🌙

To celebrate the guild and all the wonderful people in it, we got a commission made. It’s made by StickerB and it’s absolutely amazing! We can warmly recommend StickerB if you’re looking to have some artwork of your characters. They do phenomenal work, truly, and the service they’ve provided throughout has been great.

Please, enjoy this wonderful artwork! :crescent_moon:


I love this so, so much and I’m super glad we did this.
StickerB has done nothing short but a miracle!!


That’s amazing!


Awesome! :smiley:

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You’re making me want to inflict Sashena on the Nelf/RP community again, and I already have a guild one of my other alts(/mains?) is in so I’d end up splitting my RP again, cease at once! :joy:

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I am very happy for you and that you got to enjoy this in the end. This was a long and annoying storyline, but the end was a very satisfying one in the end.


To add to this, thank you for letting my character participate in the offering ceremony and contribute an offering of personal significance to her. It felt like acting out the post-raid ceremony IC (though I know you planned yours earlier)!


We have received a lot of applications from people wishing to join lately, which is awesome! But in light of that, we’ll be closing recruitment for now while we consider the people who have already applied.

But don’t let that stop you from coming to RP with us. We always enjoy meeting new people.


That’s great news, glad to hear the recruitment is going so well :slight_smile: also the guild art commission is sick good, really awesome.
Here’s to another great year ahead for the forever dice unlucky Kaldorei :clinking_glasses:


The Nightblades have been hard at work in Ashenvale and beyond this month, hunting down Horde poachers in the forest, delving into Felwood to bring vengeance upon miscreant satyr, and even venturing into enemy territory in the Barrens to rescue an Alliance unit that had landed in hot water…

Along the way we’ve met plenty of interesting new friends and sparred with them too! The blades of a sentinel never rest for long, unless you, like me, fail two defense rolls at once and end up trapped under a dying ogre, and earn a few days of recovery time. At least it’s a chance to catch up on paperwork…

A lot of new adventures are on the horizon for the Sentinels, in Kalimdor and beyond! Tor ilisar’thera’nal!


The past week, The Nightblades have been hanging around Bel’Ameth and Amirdrassil for some much needed training, as well as discovering the latest addition to Kaldorei settlements. We have had a lot of fun with the new zone so far, and it is well and truly a nice location for both casual RP and events of all kinds. We will no doubt have more fun with it in the future!

You will find us here for a few more days, before Astranaar Village hours and Crescent Conclave this weekend!


The Nightblades have embarked on a mission to the Azure Span in search of an expedition that has gone missing. We are currently deeply embroiled in this campaign and so far we’ve encountered death, decay, gnolls, and a strange rot that feeds on the arcane. Things are looking rather dire at the moment…


Oh noes, hopefully you remembered to pack the right dice sets, not the ones that constantly roll low. :waning_gibbous_moon: :game_die:


We absolutely did not.


After a challenging campaign that was not only difficult but also costly, the Nightblades return to Ashenvale for some well deserved rest. We will be chilling out, drinking tea and chatting until the next horror assaults us from just around the corner.

Recruitment is presently closed, but have no fear! We are happy to chat and socialise anyway, so should you find a Nightblade out in the world somewhere, don’t be afraid to say hi!


Tonight you find us celebrating Imbel at Karnaum’s glade!


The Nightblades have been hard at work in the wilds of Kalimdor and beyond, recently taking time out to covertly infiltrate an enchanted gala which due to an unlikely sequence of mishaps involving a bronze dragonflight artifact kept repeating… and repeating… and repeating.

Thankfully the loop was broken and the Nightblades escaped the grip of magical high society, and are now set to head out on a nice relaxing scouting mission behind enemy lines. Not many of the sentinels enjoyed their time masquerading as mages, but at least the desserts were nice.


A friendly bump to my favourite Sentinel cadre and this time they are coming forward not only with bad dice luck and weapons ready but also Spring Celebration - Byltan! :cherry_blossom:


Fresh from the Spring celebration of Byltan, the Nightblades have rebelled against the pleasant warmth of the turning seasons for a training expedition into the frozen wilds of a remote Winterspring valley. At the end of the excursion lies the blessed spring where rests the spirit of an ancient Frostsaber matriarch - if they can make it through their snowy trials without freezing first!


It has been a few (almost) peaceful weeks for the Nightblades, but that is now coming to a close as we set out on campaign! Time will tell what manner of adventures await us - quite literally.