⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Protectors of Kalimdor!🌙

With two weeks of Shadowlands past, we are starting to return to RP. Come say hi! ^^

(I totally didn’t post in the wrong sentinel squad’s thread first. Nope.)


Up in the distant reaches of snowy Winterspring, the great white bear Shan’do Greatwinter is slowly stirring from his year-long hibernation. The wisps are flocking into his den to tell him which young Kaldorei have been respectful to nature this year, and soon he’ll take the form of a flying stag to gallop across the night sky and deliver gifts across Kalimdor!

Happy Winter Veil from the Nightblades, everyone <3


Commander Ravenmist,

The war that has raged over Kalimdor these past long years has, at last, begun to wane. Yet I know that neither your heart nor mine feels any elation for the state our homeland and people have been left in. The fighting is far from over, but we are stretched thin, and our grip upon our ancestral forests is perilous. The fate of the Kaldorei balances upon the edge of a blade. In this time, there is a need for we in the Sisterhood to guide our people more than ever before.

I know that you have seen with your own eyes our people in the refugee camps in Stormwind. And no doubt you have seen, as I have, the endless number of young Kaldorei left without homes and families, rage boiling in their hearts at the cruelty of their fate. Left to their own devices, I fear these vulnerable souls may soon be lost to us.

Ours is a culture of tradition, yet with these crises comes a time where we must step back and examine our approach if we are to continue in our sacred duty to Kalimdor. Therefore, I am directing that your cadre take on a small number of cadets. These will be Kaldorei below the traditional age of majority, those with a passion to fight for our home and people and a need for direction. With you and your Sentinels to guide them, it is my hope that they will become capable warriors with hearts true to Elune. It breaks my heart to issue this directive, knowing the dangers it may place these young ones in. But much has changed in this world, and once more, our people must show our ability to adapt. In the deepest darkness, the stars must shine all the brighter.

May the Goddess watch over us,

Grand Priestess Autumnshade

Yes, you have heard correctly! We are implementing a Trainee/Cadet system into the Nightblades! It will offer a slightly different roleplaying path than for a traditional member and it will come with some restrictions. In short, the requirements for aspiring Trainees/Cadets are as follows:

  • Must have aquired a Nightblade member as a sponsor and mentor/trainer.
  • Must be between the ages 18-300
  • Previous military experience or training is not required, but they need to show potential and a willingness to embrace the Sentinel life.

More information on this system can be found on our website: http://nightbladesentinels.clanwebsite.com/240268/topic/the-nightblade-cadet-initiative-tub.

With that said, recruitment is now OPEN to players seeking to join us, be they aspiring cadets or regular recruits! Send us an application on our website or hit us up in game!


My second oldest RP character I made way back in Vanilla is probably my youngest character ICly, as far as comparative age goes. This might be a good opportunity for her since I was looking for a way to get RPing on her again on a more frequent basis.


That sounds interesting. Feel free to come and join us in RP in game to see if the Nightblades would be a good fit for her. :slight_smile: We’re hanging around Feathermoon currently. ^^

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With a new year comes new adventures, and one week has passed on the first Nightblade campaign in the new expansion! With a revamped roll system (no, it did not resolve our trash dice luck, please help) and plenty of story to tell in the coming two weeks, we have been having all kinds of fun with both old and new members!

Should the dice and the DM’s have mercy (we won’t), you will see us around in Feathermoon in not an all too long time. Until then, cheers to those who’s paths we might cross in field. Don’t hesitate to say hi! ^^

Anu Kalimdor! :crescent_moon:


Our adventures in the Broken Isles are slowly drawing to a close! It’s been a very exciting campaign so far and we’re looking forward to the grand finale this weekend!

In other news…our website is currently down for reasons unknown to us. While we try to solve these issues with our website host we ask that any who are interested in joining us seek us out in game once we are back in Feathermoon (which should be next week). :crescent_moon:


Hope to see the website up and running again soon :slight_smile:


We are currently in the process of rebuilding our website elsewhere. But hopefully the new version of the website will be up and available to the public soon! ^^

After six weeks in Val’Sharah, many of them consisting of campaigning, we are slowly but surely returning home to Feathermoon. I have been spoiled enough to DM for large parts of it, and it has been amazingly fun and engaging! Now, the cadre will kick back and get some well earned rest prior we set off for the next round of adventures in a close future.
Tor ilisar’thera’nal! :crescent_moon:

Furthermore - we are open for recruitment ^^ As our new (fabulous) webpage is currently under construction, feel free to seek any Nightblade out IC and they will happily help you with questions and similar, should you have any on the topic. You are of course welcome to catch us IC for idle casual too!


We have been working very hard the past few weeks and it is finally here! We present to you…OUR NEW WEBSITE! https://www.nightbladesentinels.com/

Some stuff is not 100% done yet and some content is missing, but the most important features are up at least. So do feel free to have a browse!


Tonight the Nightblades had to deal with the aftermath of an experiment by a very tiny and menacing gnome warlock that went rather wrong.

Who would have thought that infusing some fancy crystals with fel magic would make earth elementals very angry?

We are back in Feathermoon, as always. Don’t be afraid to come say hi ^^


The Nightblades are currently away on a bit of an… unconventional mission in far away lands. Between getting lost, plotting conspiracies, getting lost and spying on stuff, we are also finding plenty of time for getting lost. That and… somehow causing a ruckus in every event that could possibly require the cadre being discrete. Anyway, so far, so good! May the dice gods treat us well (they won’t), and may the DM’s treat us well (I won’t).

Jokes and campaign stuff aside, we will be out on an adventure for a bit! Should you wish to chat us up, which would be lovely, find us in Feathermoon in about 1,5 weeks ^^ In the meantime, check out our new shiny webpage linked above :crescent_moon:


The Nightblades have finished their mission in Kul Tiras and are on their way back to Kalimdor and Feathermoon Stronghold. For those of you who are interested, reports from the campaign have been posted on our website: https://www.nightbladesentinels.com/2021/04/20/campaign-report-sentinels-and-swindlers/

Now that we are back in Feathermoon we will have some down time to participate in casual RP, hang out and some Sentinels may even get started on their new training regimen, courtesy of our new Path System (information about which can also be found on our website!). Please do not hesitate to come by and say hello to us! :slight_smile:


Fun little story - with the end of this campaign, Nightblades can now celebrate having played 25 campaigns! I consider that time well spent, and at least myself have had a great time enjoying about 20 of them since I joined ^^ Even if it took me a while before I started campaign writing for the guild, it has been so much fun and I am spoiled to be able to both play others RP-work and have a guild play mine. It is a very pleasant creative exchange that I well and truly treasure.

Futhermore - we are open for recruitment! If you are curious about the Nightblades, our adventures or about joining us you may either ask here in the thread, check our webpage, find us IC in Feathermoon currently, or throw away a whisper in game :crescent_moon:

Past that, see you in Feathermoon! Or perhaps even at the Spring festival… :cherry_blossom:


The past weekend turned into an impromptu adventure as Feathermoon got a visit from Howl of Thoradan, who graciously brought us along for some of their events in the area. It was tremendously fun, and I do hope we get to have another run in with one another soon! Truly - thank you!! ^^

We will linger in Feathermoon for a little longer, but who knows? The next round of chaos might be just around the corner…


After some intense adventures in Feathermoon the Nightblades have now set out on their new campaign. A trip to Mount Hyjal goes wrong and due to a vicious storm the Sentinels find themselves stranded somewhere in Ashenvale, beset by angry and terrified wildlife. Why is the forest in such unrest? And is the storm natural or unnatural? No one knows, but hopefully we will find out as the campaign goes on!


I highly recommend this guild, Good leadership and nice people as I was there last. :slight_smile:


The Nightblades are still stuck in Ashenvale due to the storm. Something is definitely up with that…

If anyone is interested, the first two campaign reports are up on our website if you want to read a bit more in detail about what we’re up to currently: https://www.nightbladesentinels.com/2021/06/03/campaign-report-a-nightmare-of-death/

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We have survived the storm, though we are still in Ashenvale for the upcoming Jurina’tore celebration! A perfect time to mingle and celebrate with us.

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