Date: 19th and 20th of June, 2021
Time: 19:30
Location: Archer Statue outside Astranaar, Ashenvale
Faction: Alliance
Music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4RaNnSFtGJEsGojqV6dp73?si=60e59d7e5bb34536

The winners will be crowned with Wreaths of Summer and will also be given a small trinket trophy.

The winner will be presented with a Wreath of Summer and a trinket prize.

The winner will be awarded the title of Jurina’tore Loremaster and will be given a small prize.

As this is a celebration of Life, we kindly ask that corruptive and destructive magics, such as void and fel, NOT be wielded at any time during the event.
OOC Information
Schedule Saturday:19:30 Welcome speech and opening ritual
20:00 The Great Hunt
21:30 Crowning of the winners
22:00 The Grand Feast/Storytelling/Summer Market
Schedule Sunday:
19:30 Time to mingle and to sign up for the two contests!
20:00 Archery Contest
21:00 Crowning of the winners
21:30 Tournament of Lore and Summer Market
22:30 Closing Ritual and Fireworks Extravaganza

If you have any questions in regards to the event, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Tínwëtar.
The Great Hunt - Rules
The hunt will take the form of a riddle race. The attendees will divide themselves into teams of 4 - 5 and be given the first riddle and a token. The answer to the riddle will lead them to the next checkpoint where they will hand their token in in exchange for another, and so on and so forth. The first team to find all the checkpoints in the correct order in time, will be the winners.
Upon arriving back you will present the last token you were given to prove that you have found all the stags in the correct order.
If the teams have not found all the checkpoints by the end of the allotted time, the team with the most checkpoints collected wins.
Mounts (flying or ground based) will be BANNED from the race. Anyone spotted using a flying mount will be disqualified, and their team along with them. This includes druid travel and flying forms as well.
Speed potions or magical abilities that give your character a speed boost are also prohibited (such as some druid/hunter/rogue abilities). If your class has a permanent speed boost built in that you can’t toggle off, that’s fine. But any abilities that you can -use- that increases your speed is forbidden. Please respect this.
The teams participating in the Hunt should make sure to have their team name/number in their TRP during the hunt itself, to help us and the stags to keep track. It is important that ALL members of a team has the team name/number in their TRP. Thank you!
Archery Contest Rules
The Jurina’tore archery contest will take place over two rounds, testing the accuracy and precision of contestants.
In the first round, contestants will compete in a challenge of accuracy. Each contestant will be given three arrows to fire at a target at 40 paces. Scoring will be based on how close to the center of the target each arrow lands.
((Each arrow is fired by one /roll 100. The target number is 50, representing the bullseye. For each of the three arrows, players score points equal to the difference between their roll and 50. Lower scores are better!))
The top four contestants in the first round will move on to the second round for a test of precision to determine the final winner!
In the second round, each contestant will be given five arrows to fire at a target at 40 paces. Scoring is based on how tightly together they can land their arrows on the target. The closest cluster of three arrows of the five is judged, and the contestant with the tightest group of three arrows will be crowned the victor of the Jurina’tore Archery contest.
((Each arrow is fired by one /roll 100. The goal this time is to roll numbers close to each other, representing the arrows landing in close proximity on the target. Once all five arrows are fired, the score is evaluated by taking the three closest rolls of the five, and deducting the lowest number from the highest. Again, lower scores are better!))
This event is supposed to be a friendly and fun competition and celebration, please do not ruin it for others by going against the rules of the event.
We also kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this joyous celebration of life.
Tournament of Lore Rules
One has to posses a great deal of knowledge in order to hunt and live in harmony with the land and this tournament is for those who want to test their wits and sharpness of their mind against the best.-
The tournament is for up to five contenders and you have to sign up to grab a spot!
Each contender has three lives. Upon loosing them all, contender is eliminated from the game. Lives are lost by either providing wrong answer to the question or by failing to give answer within time frame.
Contenders have 45 seconds to replay to the question, counted from the moment the question is asked.
Contender who successfully answers a question picks who has to answer the next question. If they fail, you can pick again until someone manages to answer a question. You cannot pick same enemy twice.
First contender will be selected randomly. Should they fail, the random selection will continue - though without those who failed being in the selection pool.
Last person standing will become the winner of the Tournament
Note: If you would like to host a stall during the Summer Market, please get in touch with Tinwëtar!
Note 2: If you would like to donate prizes to the various contests, please get in touch with Tinwëtar!
Calling all stags!
We're looking for some people to help play stags during the hunt! If this is something you'd like to help out with, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Tinwëtar!Tinwëtar’s discord: Lomenár#2106
Credit for Jurina’tore and the Elunian Calendar goes to the guild “Silvereye” on Argent Dawn.