🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Im off all next week anyway, so plenty of time to get going on it :slightly_smiling_face:

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very nice gratz Puny
Melyssa is level 54
the big dog like construct on the voice of the gods quests seems to easy kill people who arent level 40
aand devastation below is bugged in remix
npc is dead after i go down with slowfall

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Got the Free Stylin’ achievement on an alt. Lots of riflemen had to succumb for the last pattern. :woman_farmer:t2:


my Melyssa hit 70 in remix got my timerunner title and the 3 socket trinket
its weird the only supposedly? pieces for the neck ring and trink slots are from the dungeons(or for 1 ring or trinket from certain achievements)
and even then its not guaranteed
best part from all of this was hitting level 20 for the phoenix mount
and certain cloak item level upgrades give the appearence of the legendary cloaks(i maxxed the threads and got the 8 hour old cloak wing toys)

wish the legendary cloak chain werent removed
since you cant share appearence from a suspended account
if they bring it back id do em all(tho IF they do i hope the battlegrounds part is not included)

well that and with my xiv character i got a title i would “never” get on Cvetelina
Duelist achievement for it requires winning a bunch of triple triad tournament matches(against npcs also counts i believe 50 is the amount of wins)

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Just did the Xalatath questline. Bunch of dialogue and cutscenes to watch and the best of all, an all-out void dragon customisation I’ll be using all the time on my velf from here on :smile:

She’d just use the Resto Voidwalker previously, now she’ll get to dragonride a proper matching mount!

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I’m having fun with the MoP Remix. I’m a pretty slow leveler but I like how you can upgrade the gems.

I haven’t got to the degen that max level becomes but for now I have had a great experience.


Finally did the dark ranger quest and achieve and now i have red eyes :3 yay


Got to level 70/remix in under 3 days and I am only in the 4th zone - been quite fun methodically doing quest stuff/achievements/getting exalted (no dungeons/raids) :grin:

Just reading in the other threads about the frogs, wonder if they will still exist when I eventually get to where they are :thinking:


i just read up about them xD looks like they nerfed it :c



did a bunch of lfrs on my new lvl 70 remix paladin
and is the loot system personal loot? because i like it more than group loot in fated lfrs
because each boss we kill has 1 piece of loot for everyone
like you can get dk/war tier piece lookalikes with a paladin

did 3 dread wastes rares and explore the map for achievement
nvm did exalted klaxxi 3 rares and explore the map
finished vale achievement with exalted golden lotus and looking for group vale
queued and finished mogushan palace and terrace lfr(finally got my lfr blue starshatter sword from one terrace boss)
and the yellow cloud serpent and bunch of 346 greens from each boss that im yet to unlock
i like this loot system better only 1 or 2 people leave after 1 boss is dead most stays to the end


Thanks to remix I bought the Elegon mount and got the golden version from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms achievement as well. Celestial overload!


After finishing my DK leveling in Remix and getting lots of tmogs I decided to level a SP.
For now is so fun to play is unbelievable.

World Apparel vendors sell shirts and tabards

World Apparel vendors sell shirts and tabards

World Apparel vendors sell shirts and tabards

World Apparel vendors sell shirts and tabards

World Apparel vendors sell shirts and tabards

I can finally mog shirts and tabards \O/


Where did you find that?

Every infinite camp

https:/ /cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221512750241677313/1242251871016714310/image.png?ex=664d28b5&is=664bd735&hm=4601125e00c022286eacd0e5941285d835092fc85035793d3dc347ce4dc29a3b&

Spaces between the // (:
I should make a new thread to get my TL3 back.



I hope that helps? Her name is the same in every infinite camp.


Ordos is accessible at last!

Oh my god, my spam closed the topic


This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 5000 replies. Continue discussion at :tulip: Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2).