Winning the drinking contest in the Grim Guzzler and then having to do the rest of the dark iron weapon and mount questline while completely hammered. The drunken effect of Sulfuron Slammers lasts a long time, and I almost ended up in the lava a few times.
here are some things that made me smile
- Sale on faction change
- Cross faction PVE
- Customizations, though i wish they added a Hibiscus flower for Darkspear trolls that was my only customization wish
- New content
What the… is it Halloween again?
First an evil eye Puny, now a phantom… who’s next
Loved the Dark Ranger quest and looking forward to Belf/DiD lines later today and should hit 630 mounts.
My druid alt has a very nice and serious look
Also changed my mind and decided to stay on the forums to annoy people that made me happy.
Druid nightmare look. Love it!
Callings and mission tables are good gold booster’s but yes it will take a while to get the 10mill usually needed for the ZG mount.
true. was a good questchain. short but good. i love it!
Like the others pleasantly surprised by the quests today
Behold, the vampire Dunkiee!
I’m enjoying seeing the forum peeps using the new character customisations, some of the characters looks/transmogs are really cool. It’s a good change.
I was terribly lost in the middle of the Maldraxxus toxic lakes; and a blood elf hunter came, drank some elixir potion, once they understood what I said they helped me get to where I needed to go, by doing the /follow emote.
So kind
The stealth-buff to honor is making the grind to level 500 a lot easier.
seeing many belf paladins and their fabulous tmogs on the belf quest chain
oh also best thing red eyes grey skin looks so cute on me
tho most of those tmogs were t6 and mythic tomb and the mage tower version
and some t6 mixed with glorious plate
as great as of lordaeron is for this paladin it cant replace the bloodthirsty
probably this was the best thing in Sl so far.
Vampires are officially a thing!
And all of you are really pretty.
was really hard decision to choose the red eyes for this paladin
less so for hunter and others
light blue was my favourite since we got them
atleast now i have 2 fave eye colours red and i think same? blue your priest has
now if we could have the smile face with the red eyes instead of frown
aka have new eyes and skin be separate barbershop options
Your armory is topless!
and when i click on profile it just slow loads and there is no image
2 of my sets use hide chest so topless shouldnt be happening lol
its not another bug like the usual isnt it lmao
ahahahah true!!!