šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Same!!! Iā€™ve spent hours flying around the zone over the years and Iā€™ve never found anything.


Statueā€™s and the void talon portals are a myth so i am very happy you have found signs of life !

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I got the resto druid hidden artifact. Also yesterday I got 2 more pieces for my mage Sunwell set, no token drops yet though, only priest pieces which I converted to mage at the vendor :unamused:.


Quoting this for truth.


I have NEVER seen a void talon portal. Not even a near miss, nothing.

A friend bought one from a boosting service (before the rules changed), Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s the only way Iā€™d have seen one.


No me neither, I spent a long time looking for one (at the end of Legion literally 100s of hours over 8-12 weeks) - nearest I got was a Discord group that reported them - missing the shout out by about an hour as it happened in the early hours of the morning.

Done many hours looking for the Camel as well but nothing ā€“ Iā€™m not playing the game like that anymore, took far too much of my time and I chose not to do the things I should be doingā€¦ If I see one great but I am never farming mounts again in WoW - If I start to behave like that again, Iā€™ll walk away, life it too short.


Why does your pet not have a name?!

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Havenā€™t thought of a good one yet.

I could bring Defilersdoom back to life but I feel that would suit a moth pet better and dark rangers arenā€™t known to have domesticated moths, maybe that one for my draenei hunterā€¦

I do tend to name my pets good names though, my Vulpera has a giraffe called GIRAFFE and bat called Brucey :laughing:


Awww so cute!

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Iā€™d be the one who called a pet bat Ozzy (if you know, you know) :wink: :laughing:


What about Spindles? :thinking:

That would better suit the pet bat of a forsaken though not a vulpera.

Gives me a plan for the next alt I level though :thinking: After this one of course :eyes:

No lets not and lets DEFINITELY not do that or I will get a transfer to Bristol and find a way to a delivery just so I can watch you recoil in horror when I stand there with a package and say ā€œSouldefiler with a package for you maā€™am!!ā€


You knowā€¦ Iā€™m fairly sure that draenei get a moth as their first hunter pet, at least they used to when I first rolled mineā€¦ :smiling_imp:

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They used to, I made a nelf hunter called Pineapple and she just started off with steady shot until i was like level 6 or so and learned basic beast skills and was able to tame a nightsaber. Amusingly it still has the ā€œfeedā€ skill, even though the need to actually feed your pet regularly was removed. I just do it for rp now.


Oh yeah, Hellraiser!


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doing some Katy Perry stuff in Stranglethorn



All kinds of Troll action going on thereā€¦ all kinds.

That made me smile!


half decent song, vain vacuous attention grabbing awful human being.

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i dont keep much tabs on Celebrities haha so im clueless. Unless its the Johnny Depp one hard to avoid these days its everywhere, the vulpera stepped on a bee meme is hilarious.

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