šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Being able to clear layer 8 of a Torghast run on my 170 Priest alt.


just found that guy infront of the auction house. the one and only, Johnny Awesome. made me chuckle. :smile:


That is fabulous!

i know right? i really dig the colours.

Getting more transmog stuff from the mirror network today

Went into Torghast on my Fury Warrior, layer 2, ilvl 143 one hitting with Condemn, didnā€™t drop below 50% on the boss (Gherus). I was expecting more of a challenge :slight_smile:

The teeny tiny hints of cross-faction grouping in the future.


Iā€™m having more success with the mission table now Iā€™ve switched addon \o/

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Getting a drop AND it being an upgrade of 3 ilvl points. About as exciting as it getā€™s these days.


Getting some herbs on maldraxxus without losing out to druid trains.

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I finally got Keystone Conqueror yesterday ^^

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That I didnā€™t play for most of yesterday (played a couple hours before lunch) and could. Shadowlands is slowly curing my addition to WoW. I watched the TV, read some stuff and didnā€™t feel ā€˜guiltyā€™ for not playing or losing out. Odd I know but for 4 years Iā€™ve not been able to do that.

Absolutely nothing.

Nice one! Congrats!!!

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For mission table nothing beats venture Co. As someone who is running 20+ mission table characters every 12 hours I couldnā€™t do it without the addon.

I use it for all four and it generally works but like Punyelf as said (I assume he is Venthyr) no combination of followers results in a win. It seems to be a lot more useful for other covenants to me (though I only have 5 characters unlike your 20+)

The new update they posted is much better at optimizing your team. For mission table night fae are the best by a long shot. Their troops are still overpowered as hell luckily. I just made 4 alts of each covenant for the transmog and the rest Night fae. You also get the added benefit of soulshape which is amazing for farming legacy content on alts.

I have the lastest (4.12a). Yes I resigned myself to getting the mounts (I have one) from my Night Fae alt. It is annoying though as my main has more followers and they are higher level but Venthyr is still underpowered in comparison to Night Fae.

I still havenā€™t reached the mount missions because I am taking it slow. I would rather level up my followers and have good success with gold/ vantus rune missions rather than rush for the mounts. The mission. Table will be relevant for the next 2 years so I am in no rush in getting the end game rewards. Getting a steady gold flow as my companions level seems like the way to go.

Finally got my first mount mission, I really like this addon \o/

Itā€™s just a shame they had to mess the mission table up so badly that you need an addon to use it.

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