🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Watch your tone with me boy. You may be the High King, but I’m still your superior as an iconic character.

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And another mission, another mount

GZ. What level are your followers out of interest? I’ve struggled to win them even as Night Fae (did win one but not sure how )

This was my winning team:-

As they all pretty much have no health now I think they didn’t level up, so that should be pretty accurate.

Thanks - I think I am just behind you levelwise (Most are 40/41) - at work so cannot check, might have a look at that add on though to see if it offers me a better solution than Venture.

I have failed soooooooooo many missions that I just started failing missions with high XP gain instead. I could not understand Venture Plan but this one gives me a clear decisive WIN or FAIL outcome so I’ve been succeeding every since.

Got Reins of the Colossal Slaughterclaw from a Maldraxxus max rep repeat box, just after Wolf-Fanged fist dropped from a Drust in Ardenweald.

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On my third mount mission now, fingers crossed it comes back a success like predicted in 12 hours.

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Doing a 10 Spires tonight with my guildies, it all went pear shaped towards the end.
Had a bugged death and then a Pride mob bugged and popped out of nowhere on our run back to Devos, …a slaughter ensued.

I waited for a few seconds to let the group run ahead and I queued up the Circus theme tune on my PC and hit play and ran back to them all flailing around…lmfao…it was perfect.

Was a much needed laugh also tbh.

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Got the Battle-bound Warhound finally on my Priest an hour or so ago! :tada:


Getting curve


Getting the Terror of Torghast achievement by finally managing Soulforges 8 :slight_smile:

today it was one day again when we got huge leaks of 9.1.0 …

This morning I was commenting to a friend that I’m yet to see a mount from a paragon reward and bam…

I suppose it make me smile - my self imposed WoW break lasted 18 hours … I just needed to log in…Nurse!!

Watching old WOW documentaries and media, like G4 guides and the southpark episode, old machinima.

How do you kill, that which has no life? The very best of South Park.