šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Had a nice mount day yesterday.
Went to Maldraxxus to do the 2 combatent elite WQ and landed in time to get one shot off on the mobā€¦and he dropped the doggy mount!
Then I popped over to Argus for a WQ (for the transmog) and killed an elite which finally dropped the Lambent Ray mount which is ugly as sin but the last mount drop I needed from Argus!


Well the last 50 quicken up massively (not sure why) . Done - now off to rob my main for 30K anima


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Naxxosā€™s image:


Joined a new guild on Classic :tada:


My baby gnome doing the Gnomergan run on AD seeing bumble bees outside Dun Morogh labelled as chickensā€¦

Not sure if it is my addons or literally a strange bug :thinking: :smiley:


blizzard is hunter fans giveing so nice stuff to hunters in DF :stuck_out_tongue:

I raised 1 million gold, and then bought 3 tokens in a row

i had to get like 7 tokens just to buy DF :rofl:

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Isnā€™t mages have a bumble bee Polymorph variant?
On cretins it is parmanent

so that is perhaps why I once seen a flying pig in the UC. Nobody believed me at the time. Nutz!

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Not a polymorph, there were loads of bees (labelled as chickens) and my character is a priest not a mage. Didnā€™t see any mages around either tbh.

I personally preferred the bees to the chickens. :honeybee:


Thereā€™s a mage glyph that lets you polymorph critters without a limit and it lasts one day on them. Also the bumblebee polymorph variant can be bought from the Stormā€™s Wake quartermaster at revered.


What is gravity?

I appear to have forgotten how to fall.


I didnā€™t know that, will need to look into that for my mage.

Someone must have spent a LOT of time doing all the chickens outside IF and surround. :laughing:

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i found out thatā€¦ instead of leveling 1 char to 60 at the timeā€¦ why not level 10 to 60 at the time?
just do the daily thorgast quest on lvl 50 alts and you do basically around 1 level a day!


Just tried, worked nicely! :slightly_smiling_face:


Donā€™t worry Bee happy.


energeering gets all the fun in DF

I used to hate exploration quests as they made me lose so much time, now I love them.
I was playing my 3rd toon: a Tauren DK. While doing the 1st quests after departing Oribos, I noticed a rare. It was a Sentinel that required some anima to work. I only found 7 mana nods and he required 10. Spent some time there, meanwhile the clock was ticking (I established the rule of 30-40 minutes rule per toon, which has already been broken by my BE Hunter:49 minutes to get to the nest level). I finally figured it out and there were extra nodes outside of the cave. After that I reactivated they Sentinel and farmed the XP.
Now I can do it 22 times in a row. More than worth it :laughing:
Also, the habit of logging out in resting areas is paying off immensely.


I was doing a world quest in Ardenweald in warmode flying about the quest zone. I seen a few easy mobs that i could 2-3 shot at most and dived in like eagle and never seen the UD rogue with 20k HP over me who was about to also attack the same group, They didnā€™t react for too long and I still didnā€™t see them and they knocked me in into next wknd, I hope they read this. It was one of them deaths I didnā€™t mind and will look back on it wit great delight,