🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

The narrative presented in quests intro makes all the difference:
Legion Intro: Did it every time I had to, on my characters, some skip it as they outleveled the content.
BFA intro: the first question I made, was: “Can I skip it ?”, “Can I level up gathering ore and herbs ?”
2 Alliance Paladins answered at the time: I could skip the War of Thorns but not the Undercity intro. The day they introduced the skip was a blessing.
SL intro: did it 24 times.

Edit 1: Going to look for a mount in my inventory, just to find out I had mounts I didn’t even knew/remember about it:

  • Nether-Gorge Greatwyrm: 6 months subscription.
  • Prestige Bronze Courser: Honor level 15… Looks like I played way too many level 20-29 Bgs
  • Val’sharah Hippogryph: 5000 TW badges. Don’t even remember when i bought this mount.
  • Wandering Ancient: probably when I got SL.

It happened a couple of days ago, but it’s still funny.
I was leveling my Pandaren Monk on the intro MAW quest and I was rushing things as that was the 22nd time I was running that quest.
While Bolvar was addressing everyone and I had to wait for him to finish his speech to start putting the helm parts in each different place, I decided to eat so I could get a buff.
But I accidentaly did it right besides Bolvar.
I thought to myself: “Eating while others are speaking :expressionless: …”
“Yup, that’s something he would definitely do :laughing:



Winds of Wisdom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: brought me back early and I had some good RNG to bless me.

First off I ran Sire LFR for a transmog item, that item didn’t drop but the pet did which is much nicer!

Also, I’m ready to get some hate for this, but just now I was doing some activities in Nazjatar while also hoping Soundless might appear… well it did and yeah…it dropped. :wink:

Guess I will be going into Dragonflight with awful RNG now!


Winds of wisdom - been lvling alts like crazy :slight_smile:

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cant day realice pre-patch earlyer ?

oooh, congrats! My biggest acheivement there is actually killing him for the first time this week! never seen him before.

Bittersweet mount drop today.
pottering around Tomb and hurrah!! a mount drop!! :smiley:

oh, its the abyss worm… :confused:

/slowly drags slimy disgusting worm away…

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miss just marileth in ember court and ill be a shadowlands dilettante.

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I could finally play after so long and convinced cousin to come back for a small while too :yum:

We did the dungeon weekly for him, and despite being undergeared he plays fairly well. Did have difficulties on our 2nd run of Gambit as no one had WA and many were first timers so we had to abandon a run. Comp Stomp will hopefully follow tomorrow.

Also began my classic toon’s journey in Wotlk and so far is a blast :smile: as well as the lowbie warrior I made weeks ago. She could make a fine tank.

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i just unlocked account wide pvp gear :rofl:
M+ raiders dont get any account wide gear to bad for them :stuck_out_tongue:

I just began researching my last sanctum upgrade on main. Never could be bothered to farm anima actively, but as I saw I only had 6k to go, decided to finish this up strong before the expansion is over. :smile:

Season 4 ending october 25th…

Pre-patch might be around the corner :eyes:
(plus it’s 9 days later Wotfi 2022, so that’s so cool!)
and i forgot:
Happy spooktober!

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How to unlock them?

u need to get 1400 pvp rating and it unlocks on all char


Pvp? No lifers spend hours to unlock them and can afford high gears and now they have 30+ ilvls than everyone else

And they keep ganking and killing weak geared opponents, even in Non-rated PvP too

so how can a MM hunter on ilvl 225 have a win rate on 88%


Do you recognize me as MM hunter?


u did not do the comp stomp farm when it was up ? :open_mouth:

Wait, I didn’t get it

Because I did not care about names from the BGs

I kinda recall that during season 2 I went to rated arenas when I had 20% vers, saved 8k honors until I swap into PvE gears

Then I rebought Honor Gears and went to Rated 2v2 arena again

Finally got round to making an appt for an IT guy to come and set me up with more storage space…which means I will now be able to fit Dragonflight on my pooter!!

(and to everybody that says its easy to do…well, not for me. We all have our talents and IT just isnt one of mine!!:wink: )


Horde and Alliance finally sharing mob tags come Dragonflight pre-patch!

About time!


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