🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

The new Legacies video. Looking forward to next week and the Dracthyr now :slight_smile:

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I saw a horde called Luanfu in Korrak. Couldn’t get close enough to see if it was the forum Luanfu and wave as there were rather a lot of horde and I was mostly dead.
It was a really bad one - I got teleported in halfway through and no-one was taking a blind bit of notice of the tactics.


Haha. I did two Korraks this evening so it was probably me


There also seems to be only a level 10 monk with that name on EU now that isn’t me so…

Horde lost the first one pretty badly, no one knew what they’re doing, but the second one we won very easily. I must say I expected it to be a better experience!

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Okay, I never thought I’d see an item drop with 2 tertiaries, but here it is!

My pally got really lucky. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sadly it must’ve been the second one. It was going ok then everything collapsed :slight_smile:

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My Engineer just bought [Schematic: Flash Bomb] for 8 silver on AH. :no_mouth:

For a perspective: It vendors for 5 silver and is usually listed on AH for somewhere between 25 000 and 50 000 gold.

This is the last missing recipe from Gnomeregan, so I am satisfied. :slight_smile:


My Collector’s Edition got delivered! :smile: And the postwoman handing it off was a smiling, charming hottie, so bonus points there.


Learning to tank, and ran a WoD dungeon, can’t remember what it’s called, the one with the Canon firing boss at the end.
And I made a pull a little to big to handle at the puny level of 40 on my Paladin, well I apologised over and over again in the instance chat, every player there was saying stuff like “Don’t worry we are here for a good time” “happens to everyone” “no abuse we all screw up”

It made me smile.


Thats Grimrail Depot i think - not one of my favourite dungeons…

That’s the one! It’s not the worst but equally not the best either.

Played with a close friend for the first time since 9.0
Brought him to a guild raid where we helped him and a few more people get their slime kitties. I can’t say I’d do 3 raids in a row ever again but it was worth it and we had time to talk again, with him just being incredibly sweet the entire time. :pleading_face:


Realizing I am Paladin Retribution placement 23 across the entire Argent Dawn Realm, according to raider…io

Now, I do know Argent Dawn is an RP realm, but you know… Let me have something for once :smiley:

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New mount! Vicious White Warsaber. It’s gorgeous!

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Here’s some more from the same evening:

https:// prnt .sc/KF24VjC3MVuw

Sylvanas fell down during her first damage phase in the 2nd part, she was always, and I really mean always there unless the fight forced her up for interrupts/another damage phase. She was glued to our tank as well whatever happened.

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I wondered what you were talking about until I looked at the screenshot :laughing: :hamburger:


Too bad that person was a pug, I was wondering what the hamburger was related to myself.

Maybe hamburger activation /yell scared Sylvanas so much she decided to hide from us down there

got a nice cloack with leech!