šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

was that taken in Beta or Retail?

i still have my RAF acctive so the 12 sub is a good deal :smiley:

Iā€™ve mined a ton of rich thorium nodes in Classic, but this one was unusually juicy. :pray:
Itā€™s a miracle to find one gem in nodes, let alone 3!


i have a question :stuck_out_tongue:
are you guys ready for phase 2 ? are you ready level a evoker ?

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I have my nameā€™s reserved and Iā€™ll definitely try the waking shores stuffā€¦ Ranged classes just donā€™t appeal to me though. Give me filthy, greedy melee DPS or give me death.

yeah best to start farming mail trasmogs for ur evoker if u dont have a hunter/shaman from before :stuck_out_tongue:

The Pre-Event is perfect for Affliction Warlocks. Just spec Absolute Corruption, than shi eh tap everything full with Corruption and call it day as the rest of the players there will do the rest.


Iā€™m glad The Lost Dwarves have the same voice actors that The Lost Vikings (who theyā€™re based on) have in Heroes of the Storm.


My Dragon Kite just appeared in game :kite:


I got mine too :smiley:


The dragons feel quite strong to me for AoE - gave them a try in the revamped Uldaman and I was surprised how much damage the two empowered casts deal even with the lower ilvl. :fire:


edited post


Was surprised that the new heirloom trinket only needs a single upgrade.


Hoarding all that AH level 60 for 2 years is finally paying off :grinning:
I finally hit level 60 on my BE Hunter and Warrior during the very final days of MoP TW. I wanted to try Uldaman on my Hunter, but my ILV was too low even though I had the crossbow and the belt from the event. I went to my bank and got some ILV 160 gear along with 2 rings ILV 229. Right at the beginning the Healer quit. Afterwards it was the Tank.
It was obvious to me it was the DPS I was doing. The two remaining DPS players tried to continue but due to my low DPS it took for ever, so we finally quit.
I went back to my bank got the ILV 229, gear I had in store, enchanted it and voila.
Second time was a breeze :smile:
I did the same for my Warrior and now the dungeon is also done for that character.

As for gold loss, I canā€™t complain. I had been checking the AH for bargains since I came back in September.

Edit: today I found out that you can finally stack more than 20 enchants in one stack, your inventory. Needless to say this QoL will improve my bank space :smile:



Maybe a bit premature but with the new patch stuff being Azeroth-focused, I think itā€™s time for this picture? :smile:


Also I started the hype train for MoP world boss mounts since the hotfix came in, nothing yet but itā€™s pretty cool seeing so many people around.

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Tried linking it for you but getting a 404. You can also use the </> button itā€™ll make it easier to paste urls.



All fixed now :grin: and yes definitely, in the trash it goes!!


Thank you, I think I managed to fix it now by reuploading. :slight_smile:

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Today, seeing all those lovely people on the server!!! Has been lovely to see you all, admire your mogs and mounts while waiting for the primal mobs to spawn.

And yesterday, thank you sincerely if you were on the Dungeon team with me in Uldaman. You were very kind and I was worried continually that I would be an issue!!

Thanks for being so lovely to a very anxious dungeon-eer


The forum feels to be getting a little busier again, a few familiar faces are reappearing and there feels like a more positive vibe around today for some reason :grinning: